Regional and seasonal nutrition

  • We have cooked a meal only with regional and seasonal products. The price of the ingredients was similar as the conventional products. It was easy to find all the regional and seasonal products for the meal.


    - Carrots from Kolkmeyer (Kolkmeyer is a regional farm)

    - Potatoes from Kolkmeyer

    - Salt

    - Pepper

    - Parsley (garden)

    - Quark

    - Eggs from Lüstringen (part of our citiy)



    We compared regional and seasonal food with other food. Regional means within a 50km radius and seasonal means what is naturally occurring in the month. We ate regionally and seasonally for 1 week and the way we normally eat for a week as a comparison. Then we determined the prices of the ingredients and calculated a weekly average. We found out that regional and seasonal food costs an average of 10.40€ and non-regional and non-seasonal food costs 14.40€.
    We did the same for the CO2 consumption, the CO2 balance of the food. It came out that regional and seasonal "costs" an average of 652g CO2, while non-regional and non-seasonal "costs" 887g CO2.
    So you can see that regional and seasonal is better for the climate and it's cheaper too. It's a good alternative.


    Normal Nutrition( 2 examples we made)

    1.- Basmati rice, India, 1,99€

    broccoli, Italy, 1,15€

    -  chicken meat, Germany, 9€

    -  Parmesan, Italy, 2,99€

    => 971g CO2


    - broccoli, Italy, 1,15€

    - pasta, Italy, 1,79€

    - eggs, Germany, 2,20€

    - cream cheese, USA, 0,99€

    - paprika, Spain, 5€

    - tuna, Pacific, 1,34€

    => 1077g CO2


    Regional and seasonal nutrition(2 examples we tested)


    - potatoes, 2,15€

    - carrots, 1,59€

    - vegetable broth, 8,75€

    - parsley and basil, garden

    - asparagus, 12€

    => 819g CO2


    - couscous, 1,15€

    - broccoli, 2,40€

    - Leek, garden

    - carrots, 1,59€

    - Ginger, 0,69€

    - vegetable broth, 8,75€

    - celery, 1,29€


    Präsentation regionale und saisonale Produkte.pdf