Vegan milk - How delicious and environmentally friendly are milk replacement products?

  • Hello everyone,

    we are a group of students from Germany, and we tried out different milk alternatives to live more environmentally friendly.

    For example, made vegan cheese, baked a vegan cake, and made vegan pudding.

    Furthermore, we compared the nutritional values, the impact on the environment, and the prices of different milk alternatives and cow milk.

    Best regards!

    Judith, Felicitas, and Linda


    Vegan shopping tour

    After a little search in the supermarket, we found great variety of vegan milk alternatives. We decided to buy all different milk alternatives by one brand “alpro” for better comparison.


    Self-made vegan mozzarella cheese

    First, we tried to make vegan mozzarella cheese with cashews ourselves. For those who are interested here is the recipe and a link to a video which explains it:
    recipe by the German supermarket chain EDEKA:
    100 g cashews
    200 g soy-yogurt
    5 tsp salt
    5 tsp yeast flakes
    2 tbsp tapioca (starch)
    100 ml soy-drink, unsweetened
    8 g Agar-Agar (vegan galantine)

    and here are some pictures of the process and the result:

    The result did unfortunately not taste like mozzarella at all, and the consistency was also not typical for the cheese. It tasted more like cashews. But at least it looked a bit like mozzarella and we had fun trying this vegan recipe, although we can’t recommend itπŸ˜‰


    Vegan cheese

    After we failed in making vegan cheese ourselves, we decided to try a vegan cheese, we found at the supermarket and were positively surprised by the flavor, which tasted exactly like normal cheese. The texture was also remarkably similar to normal cheese. But it was more expansive than normal cheese.


    Vegan lemon cake

    Then we tried to bake a vegan cake with soy milk instead of cow milk, which turned out way better than our experiment with the vegan mozzarella cheese and we can only recommend the recipe for everyone, who wants to bake a delicious vegan lemon cake.

    300 g flour
    250 ml soy milk
    200 g sugar
    125 ml oil
    1 pk baking powder
    1 pk vanilla sugar
    juice of 1 lemon
    bake it in the oven by 180 degrees Celsius, recirculating air, for 60 minutes in a baking tin
    Enjoy your vegan cake! 😊


    Different milk alternatives

    For our project we tasted almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk. We tried to drink them pure and with cacao (in general we thought that they tasted better with cacao πŸ˜‰, but it did not influence the characteristics of the different milk alternatives). Furthermore, we made pudding out of all of them (and we used the leftovers to make porridge, which worked very well).






    strongest individual flavor (nutty)


    weaker individual flavor,
    but strong smell

    strong individual flavor;



    very watery

    best consistency (highest viscosity, almost like cow milk)

    very watery


    watery consistency,

    strong individual flavor covers the puddings vanilla flavor

    creamy consistency,

    almost no individual flavor

    (tastes the best)

    a little watery,

    tastes sweet with a strong individual flavor


    Impact on the environment:

    source :


    Nutritional values:

    Per liter

    cow milk

    almond milk

    soy milk

    oat milk

    Calories (kcal)





    Fat (g)





    Carbohydrates (g)





    Proteins (g)







  • How often do you consume milk products?
    4 votes (100.00%)
    4-6 days a week
    0 votes (0%)
    1-3 days a week
    0 votes (0%)
    less than once a week
    0 votes (0%)
    I am vegan / I don't consume milk products
    0 votes (0%)