The number 142 857 is magical because when you multiply it from numbers 1 to 6 the results have the same numbers but in a different position with the same order.
142 857 x 1 = 142 857
142 857 x 2 = 285 714
142 857 x 3 = 428 571
142 857 x 4 = 571 428
142 857 x 5 = 714 285
142 857 x 6 = 857 142
The first three are the same as the next three, only in reverse. The multiplication of one corresponds with that of six, that of two with that of five, and that of three with that of four.
And when this number is multiplied by 7 the result is all numbers 9.
142 857 x 7 = 999 999