Jogo do mata

  • Number of players: minimum 4.

    Material: Ball or something soft that can be thrown.


    The group is divided into two teams (A and B) with the same number of players and divided into a field equal to the one shown in the image.


    Each team is placed in its midfield (marked in the darkest), except the «louse» of each team that is placed in the «louse», the «dead zone» (at the back of the opposing team).


    The players of a team exchange the ball between the «louse» and its field, each team trying to hit with the ball («kill») all the opposing players.


    The game ends when a team manages to «kill» all opponents.



    The ball is always played with the hands.

    The game starts with a team swapping the ball with the «louse», both looking for a good situation to «kill» (hit directly with the ball, without hitting the head) the opponents that are in front of them.

    Any player can kill, whether in the main field or in the «louse». But you can only kill when the ball is caught without first touching the ground or any obstacle.

    Players who are in the main area of ​​the field try to dodge the opponent's shot or catch the ball that is being exchanged by the opponents without letting it fall to the ground (otherwise they "die").

    If you manage to catch the ball, you can immediately try to "kill" the players of the other team.


    When a player is killed, he goes to the «louse» and stays there until the end of the game, if in the turn he enters the «louse» he cannot «save himself», killing someone. The first player to be killed (without being able to «save») replaces what started in the «louse» since the beginning of the game. The following "dead" all gather there.


    The 'dead' player takes possession of the ball and restarts the game on the 'louse' (trying to save himself).


    Whenever the ball leaves the boundaries of the field, it belongs to the player who manages to catch it, who restarts the game from the position in which he is on the field.

    Rodrigo e Ricardo, Portugal