About the project

  • "TRADITIONAL GAMES" in a project school where some subject as: foreing language (English) and ICT are in all activities and Phisical Education, Arts, Maths, take part in the project idea.

    • ACTIVITIES: handmade, Twinspace & web 2.0 tools.
      1st: Nov. Participants introduction.
      2nd: Nov. Locate our school in a map.
      3rd: Dec. Christmas carols.
      4th: Dec./Jan. Project LOGO championship.
      5th: Jan.   Traditional games. (Phisical Education).
      6th: Feb-Mar. Stained paper window (Arts).
      7th: Feb-Mar. Logic maths (Maths).
      8th: Mar-Apr. Magic maths (Maths).
      9th: Apr-May. FINAL PRODUCTS.
      Evaluation & difussion.

            - Linguistic Communication (English)
            - Mathematical  and Technological competences.
            - Digital Competence
            - Initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit
            - Learning to Learn
            - Social and Civic Competencies
            - Cultural Expressions and Awareness

    If you have any doubt about how to do the activity, open a new thread in the foro activity.