The game of the ring
Number of participants: minimum 5 players
Material needed: a ring, pebble or button
How to play:
Children line up side by side, sitting or standing, with hands clasped and pointing forward. A child is chosen to pass the ring. If no one has a ring, you can use a pebble, coin or button.
The child chosen to be the "passer" must choose which child will have to guess who has the ring at the end of the round.
The passer must hide the ring, pressing it between the palms of his hands and then pass his joined hands between the hands of each of the players in line. Meanwhile, the child chosen to guess who has the ring just watches diviner.
The line "Take this ring and say nothing to anyone" must be recited each time the passer repeats the movement, and without the guesser noticing, the passer must slip the ring into the hands of some player, and the person receiving the ring should also disguise.
When the round is over, the passer asks the guesser: Who has the ring?
To make the game more exciting, the passer may have some different objects between his hands, and it will be up to the guesser who got each object.
There is no score to define winners or losers, what counts is fun. When players pretend to have received the ring, the game gets really funny.
Sofia, Portugal