exchange Tielt - Karleby

  • On the twinboard below, you post a picture of the heritage you saw during the projectweeks that you find a treasure. And just put a small message why you find it a treasure.

  • Treasure Heritage

    War museum

    The museum about the history and wars of finland was very interesting. It was small but very fun and the attributes were very impressing

    The Theatre

    A beautiful building that jsed to be the city hall

    wooden houses

    I think this is a treasure because it is typical for Finland. The houses are very cosy on the inside and on the outside. they have different colours.

    Kate Werbrouck

    The city hall of Kokkola

    The city hall is a beautiful yellow building. In the past, it was used as a school.

    nature & stones

    the stones that show traces of the ice age should be kept. Just as the nature in Kokkola in general, is this really beautiful.
    Anaëlle De Rammelaere

    Finnish houses

    Wooden houses

    Kate Werbrouck