Programming environments

  • Some ideas for coding environments


    To better discover the platforms and programming software that we will use in this project which is: CoSpaces Edu, MakeCode for micro: bit, Minecraft Education Edition, and Scratch3.

    Of course, you can suggest other coding software or platforms to achieve the objectives of our project.

    1. CoSpaces Edu: Make AR & VR in the classroom 

    CoSpaces Edu Brochure : 


    Create virtual scenes : 

    Define the atmosphere of your CoSpace with various pre-defined environments and filters or using 360° images for the background.

    Simply drag and drop objects and characters from the Library of ready-to-use 3D models and create your own virtual world!

    Build new constructions :

    Ready to create anything with 3D modeling?

    Go one step further and make your own objects using 3D primitives, simple building blocks from basic geometric forms.

    Add external files :

    Upload more 3D models, images, videos and sounds to personalize your CoSpace.

    You can add a background music to create a special atmosphere or even record your own audio narrative for your virtual story!

    CoBlocks by CoSpaces Edu :

    With its easy-to-drag and drop-colored blocks, CoBlocks is the ideal solution for junior coders!

    CoBlocks is a visual block-based programming language similar to Scratch and easy for anyone to learn, even kids in K-12 grades.

    Scripting languages :

    More advanced coders can have fun coding scripts to add interactions and events or even create games!

    The API documentation can be found below. Every method contains a code sample and a demo project.

    Step into the world of VR :

    Discovering and exploring 3D creations in VR can add value to the learning experience and is a major motivation factor, as it enables students to get immersed in their creations.

    Use a VR headset with CoSpaces Edu and let the class dive into their projects!

    Transform the MERGE Cube :

    Project creations made with CoSpaces Edu onto the MERGE Cube with your smartphone or tablet to turn it into a hologram.

    Hold the cube in your hand, move it around and interact with it!

    Create your own content :

    The MERGE Cube add-on for CoSpaces Edu Pro lets you build your own creations for the MERGE Cube.

    Place content anywhere on, inside, and around a virtual cube to create your own hologram.

     2. Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit

    Get started


    Microbit Smart Home Kit: Auto Window

    3. Minecraft Education Edition

    How to teach coding with Minecraft: Education Edition :

    4. Scratch3
