The 9 teachers involved belong to different areas (science, arts, foreign languages) and some of the common aims for all of us are:
Learning about the ocean and contributing to raise awareness on United Nations SDG number 14: "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources".
We will identify, work and reflect on the main threats to the ocean: climate change, pollution, plastics, overfishing, etc.
We will talk to people (and learn from them) who work to protect and conserve the oceans in different fields.
Another aim is to involve our school communities in the project (studying the ocean from different areas and fields of study), and make wide dissemination, to reach authorities, companies, organizations and society in general.
We are following a competency-based approach, most of them will be developed:
-Science and technology: know about measures, scientific language, biological systems and scientific research, respect data veracity and value scientific knowledge.
-Digital competence: know about the rights and risks in the digital world, create contents using different apps and use information with critical thinking.
-Linguistic competence: express orally and in written form in different situations and have interest in interaction with others in English.
-Learn to learn: have the need and curiosity to learn and use strategies to plan task resolution related to the ocean, biodiversity and threats.
-Social and civic: participate in decision-taking in a democratic way and communicate in a constructive way in different environments
-Sense of initiative: ability to adapt to change and solve problems and know how to communicate and present information about the environment and the ocean.
-Cultural conscience: know about environmental heritage related to the sea and the environment.