8. World Aquatic Animal Day


    Please, write here in the Google document all the activities you're doing for the World Aquatic Animal Day.

    Upload the pictures of some of these activities at your schools here:


  • World Aquatic Animal Day

    James Doughty's interview at IES Felipe II

    Premiere of the interview, which was shown in several classes.

    ITCGLS Leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino - class 2C

    This is the poster the 2C students have created for the event

    Raising Awareness

    Students have been able to involve other fellow classes in the event.
    Here a video of what has been done for the World Aquatic Animal Day today in the school ITCG-LS Leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino

    ITCGLS Leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino - school activities
    Talk about aquaculture at IES Felipe II

    Presentation by the director of the Oceanographic Institute of Murcia about tuna fish farming research.

    Urban artist Goyo203 at IES Felipe II

    He talked about his work and we could see some of his paintings.

    School Exhibition for the World Aquatic Animal Day

    To celebrate the event, during the week the students have created posters and today, April 7, we have opened the exhibition.
    ITCG-LS leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino

    School Exhibition for the World Aquatic Animal Day

    ITCG-LS Leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino


    The marine biologist, Carlo Trombetti, for the day of marine animals, talk about marine ecosystems, pointing out how they vary by type in relation to proximity to the coast and depth. Various organisms, with specific features depending on the marine environment.


    poster created for the world day of aquatic animals by the students of course C coordinated by the teacher Lucia Costantino.

    Big whale swimming in messages at IES Felipe II

    The areas of English and arts prepared a poster with a whale swimming in messages in small strips about the ocean written by over 200 students. They were messages about the threats and also good wishes for the ocean.

    Listen to the Arctic at IES Felipe II

    In music class the students listened to "Elegy for the Arctic" by Ludovico Einaudi, and draw pictures of what it evoked in them. They made a video which was shown in other classes.

    Flying fish, language games and eTwinning at IES Felipe II

    The French department worked on content from WWF and Greenpeace, and they made dozens of flying fish. We also played the Language Games created by the students in Oceans in other classes.
    We have other projects related to sustainability, so we disseminated about them.

    2A OSA - ITCG LS Leonardo da Vinci

    Watch the video "Behind the scenes"

    ITCG-LS Leonardo da Vinci Poggiomarino Marine ecosystem

    The students of the 2A OSA carried out this activity after following the explanation of the biology teacher on marine ecosystems.

    Door decoration competition in IES A. Menárguez Costa

    The 8 groups of students from the 1st year of compulsory education decorated the doors of their classroom with marine animals from Mar Menor Sea

    Learning from biologists in IES A. Menárguez Costa

    Cristina Alonso, biologist of the Spanish Oceanographic Institute talked to our students about female oceanographers and jellyfish.

    Museum for one day! with artist Goyo 203 at IES A. Menárguez Costa

    Urban artist Goyo 203 presents his exhibition LIFE on endangered marine species. Students also interviewed him.

    Oceans week event in IES A. Menárguez Costa

    Teachers from the school joined our cause by carrying out different activities to raise awareness about the need to protect our oceans: experiments, posters, music, etc.