7.3 CodyColor

  • Let's play together: CodyColor

  • CodyColor Battle Royale

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    today 11 November the I D class played with eight teams of children from the project and we had a lot of fun!

    Lucia Cozzo - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    November 11th 2021: my III C pupils played with their peers from the project and had a blast!

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    November 11th - 5C class children play Cody Color together with friends from the project

    Scuola Dino Coltro - classe 4^ B

    November 11th 2021 the class plaued with other teams of children from the project. They was very happy for this activitiy!

    Gülşah BORA/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    4/A Class children play "Cody Color" together with friends from the project. November 11th 2021

    Maria Macera - I. C. S. "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    I A Class - Children play CodyColor

    Maria Macera - I. C. S. "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    I A Class - Children play CodyColor

    Rabia ÖZER / Şehit Mesut Yağan Anaokulu / BALIKESİR

    Cody color

    Ayşe Öztürk Veysefendi primary school Erzurum
    Gülzade Çayırpınar- Saray Primary School- Turkey


    Ayşe GÜLER/ Büyüktuy Primary School/ Erzurum/ TURKEY


