3.4 Whatsapp group

  • Our WhatsApp group

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Gülşah and Anna Teresa welcome us

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Welcome to our whatsapp group!

    Gülşah BORA/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Welcome to our WhatsApp group!


    whatsapp group!



    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Proposal for joint work. The hexadecimal code


    whatsapp group

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    The last indications are given before closing the project.

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    The last indications are given before closing the project

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Maria Macera has prepared the evaluation questionnaire for teachers and also communicates it to us on whatsapp! Great job, Maria!

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    good wishes for a good 2022 to all

    Anna Teresa Fiori - I. C. S. La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    happy New Year

    Lucia Cozzo - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Exchange of greetings for the new year in the whatsapp group

    Anna Teresa Fiori - I. C. S. La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Yesterday was my birthday and all the colleagues in the project made me feel their closeness and their affection by sending me lots of messages on the whatsapp chat!

    Lucia Cozzo - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Gulsah presents the ebook made in cooperation.

    Lucia Cozzo - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    The initial teacher questionnaire is presented

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Welcome Time

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Online meeting

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Il Manifesto

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Exchancing codes for Hex Code common work

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Sharing the final teachers' survey

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    Exchanging traditions and wishes for the New Year

    Maria Macera - I C S "G. Carducci" - Gaeta, Italy

    WhatsApp group

    Lisa Cavinato Dino Coltro School

    In the group and with special partner

    Gülzade Çayırpınar- Saray Primary School- Turkey

    WhatsApp Group :)

    Ayşe GÜLER/ Büyüktuy Primary School/ Erzurum/ TURKEY

    Our WhatsApp Group

    Ayşe GÜLER/ Büyüktuy Primary School/ Erzurum/ TURKEY

    Our WhatsApp Group