6.2 Poster survey

  • Voting for the poster

    Lucia Cozzo - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Class 3 C votes for the poster.

    Anna Teresa Fiori - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Class I D children votes for the best poster

    Gülşah BORA/ Karafatma Primary School/Erzurum/TURKEY

    Class 4/A children votes for the best poster

    Rita Bottari - ICS La Giustiniana - Roma

    Poster survey - 5C class

    Rabia ÖZER / Şehit Mesut Yağan Anaokulu / BALIKESİR

    Poster survey


    Poster survey

    Gülzade Çayırpınar- Saray Primary School- Turkey

    poster survey