14. Our project final products - model of ideal responsible company

  • You should try to identify important stakeholders - everybody that affects or can be affected by an organization's actions. Use menti.com, each of you can write 3 entries. From your entries we will find out important stakeholders for our ideal company and in teams you will work on ideal companie´s attitude to one stakeholder.
    Go to www.menti.com and use the code 73 14 21

    Or use link: 

    Results of this activity: 

    Forming of international groups: 

    Thank you for your stakeholder ideas - so we can now work in 6 teams on these main areas to be interested in for ideal active citizen company:
    - employees
    - community
    - suppliers
    - customers
    - competitors
    - environment

    Please use the padlet:

    Made with Padlet

    To form groups and add short introduction for you new team partners about you! 
    Please do not forget to form international teams!
    For communication in teams you should use also Forums here in Twinspace.
    Your taks is to prepare an idea of ideal active citizen company in relation to stakeholder you are working on. Good luck!

    Tool tips for your group work: google slides, prezi, sutori, sway, haikudeck, emaze, spark.adobe.com


    Our last activity we would like to do in the project: 
    Can each one of you add 1 thing you think is important for company to do for example in area of employees in case you are in this group, in area of environment in case you were working on them, so everybody 1 practical thing for company to do in area you were working on. We would like to create booklet for companies from this - to let them know what is important for them to do. We will try to publish it for local companies somehow. And we would like to ask several companies wheter they do it or not on scale 1 to 10 to score their company in these activities and evaluate it. Should be interesting to compare slovak and greek companies. Place your ideas here: 


    Made with Padlet

    As a brochure we have created:

    Talking about ...

    What we are also doing now during our lessons - they present their stakeholder presentation to their schoolmates, what they were writing about. It´s very interesting and we are improving our language skills, presentation skills and we discuss about the topics.

    Result of your hard work:

    Model of ideal responsible company in the way how you see it and how you feel it

    This is the website we created. There you can access the main activities our project involved.



    We have asked the companies to know more about their real practices:

    You can ree the results here: