Moja škola My school

  • O školi

    OŠ Bedekovčina

    In the Primary School Bedekovčina in school year of 2021/2022., a total of 409 students are enrolled in 23 classes, out of which 354 students attend classes in school in Bedekovčina, and 55 students in district school in Poznanovec. The enrollment areas of our school are the settlements of Bedekovčina, Židovinjak, Poznanovec and part of Lug Poznanovečki. The school has 52 employees, of which 36 are teachers and 3 are professional associates.
    In order to improve the quality of the teaching process, which is manifested through the arrangement and equipping of the school premises and continuous professional development of employees, in the last few years, we have been continuously working on the design and implementation of various programs, projects as well as designing new extracurricular activities.

    OŠ Bedekovčina
    OŠ ‚‚Ivan Milutinović", Subotica

    Naša škola se nalazi na sjeveru Vojvodine. Specifična je zbog toga što imamo školu koja je u gradu i terensku školu koja je u selu blizu Subotice, u Maloj Bosni. Našu školu pohađa oko 400 učenika. Nastava se odvija na srpskom i na hrvatskom jeziku. Osim toga, naši učenici imaju priliku izučavati i mađarski jezik kao jezik društvene sredine.