Last Survey for Students

  • Let's do an evaluation result analysis for the survey here.

    Levent Yıldırım-30 Agust Zafer P. S.

    Dear Students,
    In the project, you made a letter and an activity every month.
    You worked tirelessly.
    You shoot and edit videos.
    You have not forgotten Ukraine.
    The War/Peace page is your creation.
    Your avatars are beautiful.
    Fancy letters, fancy envelopes, tiny design gifts...
    You have designed them all very well.
    The school and classroom corners were great.
    We also commemorated New Year, CodeWeek and Europe Day with you.
    You did not leave us alone on Twinspace, blog and facebook.
    You used Web2 tools better than us.
    The end of the project "Team Works" was very nice.
    You have practiced English in many webinars.
    You made European friends.
    Health to your hands.
    You also participated in closing surveys.
    We love you very much.

    Levent Yıldırım-30 Agust Zafer P. S.

    In the webinar, my student and his family,
    They are so happy.
    I am very happy too.
    They ran the project as a family.
    We love them.

    Anastassia Remec, Sečovlje, Slovenia

    Dear students! Thank you for your letters, gifts and friendship! Stay nice, harworking and proud on yourself! Teacher and students from Slovenia :)

    Şeyma ÜNAL/Alemdar Primary School

    my student evaluation

    Şeyma ÜNAL/Alemdar Primary School

    my student evaluation

    Şeyma ÜNAL/Alemdar Primary School

    my student evaluation

    Pelin Şahin - Gölköy Anatolian İmam Hatip High School

    To our lovely students...
    You had a great job done. You wrote letters and prepared cards for your friends. You learned new cultures and met new friends. You really worked hard. Thank you very much for your effort!!

    Ludovina Sousa - EB Hermenegildo Capelo - Palmela, PORTUGAL

    My students had a great time exchanging letters with friends of different countries. They say it has been a wonderful experience and they liked it very much.
    Congrats dear students! 🤗

    Ebru DÜLDÜL-Pınarbaşı Secondary School

    At first, I asked my students if they would like to have a pen pal. They were all very excited. It was a very nice experience to get to know different cultures, to correspond with them and to send gifts. All of them stated that their English level increased. From the beginning to the end of the year, their desire to speak and write English seriously increased. Their prejudices towards English created a positive attitude towards the lesson. The survey results show us that our project has been successful. All of them gave very positive feedback when we asked if they would like to take part in such a project again next year. They stated their evaluations both on our padlet project analysis page and in our student webinars.

    Małgorzata Tęcza-Piechura - POLAND

    My students are really excited about taking part in such a valuable project:)

    Zeliha BİLGİLİ / Gazipaşa Primary School - Ankara

    My students exchanged letters with friends from different countries.
    You wrote letters to your friends. You learned new cultures and met new friends. Thank you very much!
    Congratulations dear students!

    Ebru DÜLDÜL-Pınarbaşı Secondary School

    Some of my student's evaluations for the project.