Project schedule

  • September and October

    - eTwinning training for teachers. 

    - Training in digital tools for teachers if necessary.

    - Talks about sustainability for teachers if the center considers it so.

    - Meeting with parents and students to report on the eTwinning activity to be carried out in the case of underage students (send parent's permission).

    - Hold a meeting of teachers between the partner centers.

    - Presentation of the centers and teachers.

    - Complete the profiles in eTwinning.

    - Creation of mixed groups

    - Teacher's meetings to have everything ready.

    - Divide tasks between teachers.


    Timing: Beginning of November 

    Deadline: 29th October

    Name of the activity: ACTIVITY 1: Hello everybody!

    - Aims:

         - To get to know each other.

         - To interact with people from other countries using English for communication.

         - To check a real use of the English language.

         - To get started in the use of some digital instruments.

    - Contents:

         - Presentation expressions in a foreign language.

         - Socially established norms of greeting.

         - Some objects and technological resources: computer, tablet, etc.

    - Responsible parties and participants:

    All partner teachers are responsible for the proper functioning of the connection and for maintaining order in the presentations. The participation of all students is required.

    - Tools: Computer in the classroom with video and audio. Projector and screen.

    - Description of the activity: MAKE CONTACT among students.

    The students will be divided into different mixed groups and will have at their disposal a padlet in which to write a short paragraph about themselves as a description. In this way, they will be able to have a first contact between the members of the group.

    Subsequently, and thanks to the eTwinning online meetings and after having specified the date and time, it will be time for all of us to get in touch and be able to introduce ourselves. There will be a presentation of the class in general, through a couple of classroom representatives.

    The connection via telematics is essential to carry out this activity, as it is the means that we will use to get to know each other, one by one.


    Timing: End of November 

    Deadline: 19th November

    Name of the activity: ACTIVITY 2: Design our logo!

    - Objectives:

         - To get to know each other.

         - To interact with people from other countries using English for communication.

         -  To live a real use of the English language.

         - To get started in the use of some digital instruments.

         - To develop creativity.

         - To respect the opinions of others.

         - To reach an agreement among the group members.

    - Contents:

         - Presentation expressions in a foreign language.

         - Socially established rules of greeting.

         - Some objects and technological resources: computer, tablet, etc.

         - Techniques of plastic expression in digital format.

         - Linguistic resources: agreements and disagreements, hypotheses and speculations, opinions and advice, persuasion and warning.

    - Responsible parties and participants:

    The participants in the creation of the different logos will be the students divided into the different groups. It will be carried out by a survey for the students to vote and teacher from center 1 will be responsibles of having it on time.

    - Tools: Computer in the classroom with video and audio. Projector and screen.

    - Description of the activity

    Divided into heterogeneous groups, each student will make a different logo proposal so that they can vote in the same group, and in this way obtain a representative logo of the group, without having the option to vote on their own design. Afterwards, a general vote will take place excluding voting on your group's logo. The most voted will represent the project.


    Timing: 2nd quarter> January, February, March

    Deadline: 4th February

    Name of the activity: ACTIVITY 3: Talk about your city - Sharing our culture

    - Objectives:

         - To share our culture

         - To reflect on the difference between our countries on certain aspects.

         - To express yourself about your culture to other people.

    - Contents:

         - Presentation of the own culture.

         - Expression of the own ideas and culture.

         - Responsible parties and participants:

    All team members will participate by contributing with different ideas, either through the forums and then the padlet or through the padlet directly. The teachers of center 2 will check that everything is done correctly and will be responsible for this activity.

    - Tools: TwinSpace, padlet or Miro, photographs, information search engines.

    - Description of the activity:

    This activity will be carried out by the same groups that started and will remain throughout the course. The group will agree through the forums and make a mural through Miro or padlet. The topics that each city will talk about and what each group will talk about will be:

    1. Origin of the city.

    2. Architecture and monuments.

    3. Art (Classical, modern or street art.)

    4. Basic expressions in your language. (Some of them, translation, situation where you use it.)

    5. Known Heroes and Celebrities.

    6. Gastronomy.

    7. Sustainability (Transport in the city).

    8. Sustainability (recycling).

    9. Sustainability (food and plastics).

     A posteriori, a meeting will be held through Etwinning meetings to comment to colleagues from the other regions what we liked the most about their city. Teachers will place special emphasis on sustainability.


    Timing: 3rd quarter> March, April, May

    Deadline: 6 May

    Name of the activity: ACTIVITY 4. The ideal sustainable city

    - Objectives:

         - To reach different agreements between the members of the group.

         - To reflect about sustainability in our countries.

         - To think about the importance of taking care of the planet.

         - To cooperate between all the participants in the project.

    - Contents:

         - Reflection about the future.

         - Planification of an ideal city.

         - Thinking about the difficulties to be a sustainability city.

         - Being aware of the thinks we can do to help our planet.

    - Responsible parties and participants:

    All team members will participate by contributing with different ideas, either through the forums and then the padlet or through the padlet directly. The teachers of center 3 will check that everything is done correctly and will be responsible for this activity.

    - Tools: Forums, padlet, Miro, Home by us...

    - Description of the activity:

    Again through Miro or padlet, in a collaborative way and agreeing through the forums, each group will devise a part of the ideal sustainable city. Thanks to technology we will make a collaborative drawing about our city.

    The different points that the groups will work on are:

    1. Transportation

    2. Lightining

    3. Recycling

    4. Gardens and green areas

    5. Houses