Working together is what we like - Outcomes.


    Our meeting online made us to discuss and work on two tasks. Their outcomes are presented below. It wasn't easy time for all of us as the end of February changed everything, even perception of travelling. That's why the task of preparing touristic facts about each school's country and creating a guidebook was changed. It was our  Italian partner- a literature teacher's suggestion. Moved by war in Ukraine and information from Polish partners about refugees at school we decided to transform this task into 'a Journey to the world of peace. Italian and French students sent us their poems. They were presented during our Etwinning team meetings online. After that, Polish students wrote poems and all the pieces of poetry were gathered together into a form of eBook. On one of the pages you can find comments on poems by students. They chose their favourites and commented shortly on them to show their understanding, share feelings or appreciate someone's work.


    1. Big Travel Dictionary. Here's the link: Let's organize our trip. Everthing is in one place.


    2. eBook. Here's the link: Mental journey to the World of Peace- poems collection.