Art gallery.


    These pictures were drawn by younger students of school in BoguchwaƂa. They wanted to join the project and sometimes we asked them to draw or paint something. These are pieces of work by 1st, 4th and 5th graders. Enjoy:)

    Other countries, join us. 



    Thank you! We Italians have also added an element!


  • Gallery.

    travel by 1st grader

    by 1st grader

    travel by 4th grader
    travel by 4th grader
    travel by 4th grader
    travel by 4th grader
    travel by 4th grader
    peace by 5th grader
    peace by 5th grader
    peace by 5th grader
    tolerance by 5th grader
    travel by 4th graders-teamwork
    Come on Ukraine- Italy