Before a decription of our meeting online an extract from Polish School website will be presented. We wanted to write about your post with a link to Divine Comedy. I wanted Polish people to guess which country had chosen this masterpiece to present an element of Journey theme in national literature.
'Zamieszczamy również link do prezentacji ‘Boskiej Komedii’, Dante Alighieri. Mamy nadzieję,że wiecie który kraj partnerski wybrał ten utwór. Jeżeli tak, to sprawdźcie jak uzasadnia swój wybór. Divine Comedy.
Andrea and Elisa present us one of the most famous journeys in the world: the one conceived by Dante Alighieri in 1200 entitled "Divine Comedy". Our school is named after Dante Alighieri, the father of Italian literature. The poem is divided into three parts, called "cantiche" (Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso), each of which consists of 33 cantos (except for the Inferno, which contains a further proemial song) formed by a variable number of verses, structured in triplets.
The poet tells of an imaginary journey, or rather of an Itinerarium mentis in Deum, through the three otherworldly realms that will lead him to the vision of the Trinity.'
In the atricle for a website we informed about our meeting online, 4th February. Three countries took part in the meeting: Italy, Poland and Turkey. Students introduced themselves one by one, told us about their schools a little and general things about their countries (places to visit). Polish team gave into conssideration two ideas of next tasks to do. They were discussed by participants and concluded by teachers. We decided that our task for february and March will be Big Travel Dictionary. Words to translate into four languages are to be selected and given in English on our Forum.
The second task for April and May - preparing a tourist guidebook and quizzes to check basic facts knowledge. We decided about forms of communcation between members (eTwinning Forum and Instagram).
Keep fingers crossed.