Italian team initiated a graet idea of a great Call for Peace and Tolerance in a form of a mental journey. Our means of transport is a train of poems- they are like carriages. Each experience and thought is like a piece of luggage. Our destination is a place where there are no conflicts and people respect each other, and they respect nature.
Travelling itself is something what joins people, as they learn about diferrences , what's more they appreciate them. It is conducive for understanding the power of tolerance. Travelling reduces prejudice and negative attitude to people and their culture. People are afraid of unknown, so broaden your mind and join our trip.
Here's a link to our eBook
And poems put on our TwinBoard will enable you to vote for the best one:)
In June (3rd - 11th of June) Polish students spent a week in Batea, Spain working together within a PO WER project ‘ Robotics and languages as areas boosting cooperation and preventing social exclusion’. Due to the fact that most of our representing group of 12 students are eTwinners we decided to present our idea of writing poems. So, they asked Spanish friends to choose their favourite ones and give some comments on them.