
  • the 11th of May

    we got a new meeting ...we discussed the best way to issue the project and to evaluate it with different polls.. we decided all togeher which questions will be set and i created the polls ... each teacher got the link to modify them if wanted .


    On february 

    - to begin students are asked to use the forum . 3rd step : data collecting -students are asked to find the different characteristics of their mean of transport to build a grid - they will use this table to collect datas about this mean of transport in their class .



    at the beginning of january :

    To sum up our visio meeting , we decide : 1 step : -to create seven groups of students with three nationalities in each group. the list of each group will be completed in the twinspace by the teacher -each group will be connected with a mean of transport ( electric car, combustion car, bus , bike, train , foot, motorbike ) step 2 : - each group will have to take a picture of their first meeting and stick it on their page in the twinspace with a comment of their feeling ..



    on monday the 8 th of november

    we got a meeting with the teachers to discuss about the best way to use the avatars so that our students have fun when discovering the drawing . 

    we also discussed about the logos and the tools used to make the pool 


    First meeting in September

    all together we read the planning and discuss about different points to be changed .. we agreed about making our students aware of hazards encountered with internet getting parents' authorization to work with internet shared directories have been created to perform the avatars tasks the deadlines should be changed each student will draw a logo each country will vote for the four best one all the coutries will vote for the best one out of the 16 remaining logos each teacher will have to think about which calculations should be done the the collected datas ..