What is a good statistical question?

  • statistical question

    Definition by Guilhem, Nathan and Julie

    A good statistical question is a question that can be answered by data. It is a question that you ask people to realize a survey. It is not a question about only one person or thing. We have to be able to calculate an average.

    Example : How old are the students of our class ?
    Wrong example: How old is he ?

    There are two types of statisticals questions :
    --> opened : You can answer whatever you want
    Example : What is the favorite color of the students of our class ?
    --> closed : You have to choose in a list of answers
    Example : Do the students like our school ? YES NO

    Statistical question by Marina and Éléonore

    A good statistical question is one that can be answered by collecting data, It can have differents answers.

    Example: How many siblings do you have ?

    There are closed or opened statistical question.

    A closed statistical question have a number of answers limited. You can answer by only the possibilities which are given by the question.

    Example: Do you have sisters or brothers ?

    In the closed statistical question you have binary question. It is a question wich can be answer by yes or no.

    Example : Do you have siblings ?

    Them, a opened statistical question is one than can be answer by a lot of differents answers. you can choose your answer.

    Example : How many siblings do you have

    Questions by Severina

    1. What is the object of study of statistics?
    2. How can the role of statistics be outlined?
    3. What are the main statistics of statistical research?