Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium Görlitz

  • Name of school & address :

    Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium Görlitz

    Annengasse 4
    02826 Görlitz


    Tel: 0049. 3581. 7500790

    website :


    Location of school on Google Map :

    Paragraph about the school, its aims, age of students :

    Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium is a grammar school for classes from 5 to 12. At the moment about 80 teachers work with more than 800 students aged 10 to 18. Students can learn English, French, Latin and Polish. Our school also has a very long tradition of music and drama.

    Our school gives students the chance to learn in a so called bilingual-binational class or course. Here German and Polish students learn together intensively following a special programme.

    We want to support all our students to pass the “Abitur” (A –levels).

    Particular pedagogical approach to sustainable development (xhat you do at school in that particular area) :

    The topic plays an important role in many subjects. Taking part in the Erasmus project  many students got familar with all the problems and difficulties our world faces. They got informed and discussed startegies to solve these problems.

    Any particular projects in the European field :

    for more than 15 years:     intercultural projects with Polish schools

    2014 – 2020:  INTERREG Poland - Germany

    2017-2020:   project Erasmus + EDD : MIW (Education au Développement Durable : Make It Work) with Poland, France and Germany