Erasmus+ project schedule



                The schedule of Erasmus+ Project “Through artistic abilities to developed basic skills”   

    01.09.2016 – 31.08.2018

    Month /year


    Responsible teachers

    September 2016

    23.08.2016. Coordinators’ video conference concerning the first steps before we start the project.

    7.09.2016 – starting point video conference.

    A1 Information campaign about the project among parents and students of our schools.


    Creating the project’s logo and slogan


    The establishment of the teachers’ teams:

    • recruitment teams

    • evaluation and monitoring teams

    • dissemination teams

    Production of posters and leaflets informing about the project, distribution at schools.

    A1 The recruitment to give the students equal chances to participate in the project activities and taking into account the project goals:

    • establishing the rules of selection of students for the project and publicizing them to the local community and all parents, on schools’ boards and websites. The rules have to be consistent with the project objectives.

    Written parental consents for their children’s participation in the project. Declarations of participation, lists of students (reserve list too)

    -The establishment of our project group Facebook profile titled “Through artistic abilities to developed basic skills”- Erasmus plus project group and subpages on our schools websites

    -Preparation of a detailed work plan for all the intended activities.

    -The detailed work plan for each school - schedule will then be distributed to all students involved, as well as their parents and the municipal office.


    -A video conference of the schools’ coordinators – discussing the recruitment at schools and further activities to start the clubs workshops – establishing the documentation of the students’ attendance in the workshops.


    – Activities and attendance registers - club registers, detailed programmes of each club work

    The coordinators


    Teachers involved in the project: school coordinators and those, who are going to lead the clubs

    Croatian team, The slogan  - suggestions from each school –voting on Tricider

    The coordinators together with all the teachers involved


    Dissemination teams


    Teachers involved in the project: school coordinator and those, who are going to lead the clubs: recruitment teams

    The school coordinators with the club leaders


    Club leaders


    Facebook– Slovenia,    

    subpages – the ICT teachers or a person responsible for the school website


    The coordinators from each school

    All schools teams with the coordinators


    The coordinators from each participating school

    29th Sept. 2016


    Club leaders

    October 2016

    The start of  workshops in the clubs ( extra activities)


    • A2 Drama Club – 2 hours a week,

    The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    • A3 Art Club – 2 hours a week,

    The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.




    • A4 Dance and Music Club  - 2 hours a week

    The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.





    In Polish school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    In Greek school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    In Slovenian school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    Croatiaclub leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    In Polish school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    In Greek school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    In Slovenian school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    Croatiaclub leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    In Polish school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    In Greek school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    In Slovenian school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    Croatiaclub leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    October 2016


    The establishment of the voting poll on Tricider,  


    Updating and logging new students on our  eTwinning project “Learning through art, dance and theatre”


    Students participating in the project exchange their emails on Twinspace.


    M1 The first transnational teachers’ meeting – in Poland,(5 working days) participating schools from Greece 1, Slovenia 1, Croatia 1. School coordinators,

    Meeting each other, planning our work, means of evaluation and assessment of the results, how to use the methods from workshops in our everyday teaching, we can plan the programmes of the international workshops, Preliminary findings for the online teacher’s guide – preparations, etc…


    Starting the project website


    The Greek school


    School coordinators


    Club leaders and school coordinators


    Polish school organizes the programme of the meeting and accommodation for the coming guests. All coming, book their flights or other means of transport.

    3 teachers coming – 1 from each school – the coordinators


    The Croatian school

    November 2016

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled


    C1 The first students’ international workshops – in Greece “Drama and ancient Greek theatre workshops with the elements of music and art”–

    Duration : 21.11.2016 –  28.11.2016 ,  

    18 students (6 from each school) and 6 teachers, including the coordinator,  are going to come from the other partners. - Certificates for all participants.

    Greek school - Program for the workshop (each day will have 4 hours of work in the school with two  20 minutes breaks):

    Day 1. Welcoming of the foreign pupils to our school. Introducing of each other using games. Presentations of our countries using a short PowerPoint presentation or similar.

    Day 2. We present the play we are going to work on which will be “ The Birds” by Aristophanes.  Introduction to the ancient Greek theatre. Reference to the terms comedy – tragedy and other useful terms used. Pupils are called to make masks for comedy and tragedy using plaster or other reusable material.

    We also create cothurnus, the shoes used in Greek ancient theatre.

    Day 3. Educational excursion to the Parthenon and Herodium – a magnificent ancient Greek theatre so that the pupils see it in person.

    Day 4. We discuss the play we are going to work on. We watch a performance of it in Epidaurus. We distribute a short text with the theme of the play in each country’s language. The pupils choose the scene they are going to work on taking into consideration certain criteria we – teachers – will provide. We separate the pupils into three groups (art, music – dance, theatre).

    Day 5. Each group starts to work on their part. Theatre club: Distribution of roles – Study of the chosen scene. Collaboration with Art club so that the

    costumes and scenery is prepared. Art club: create the musical instruments, the costumes, the scenery. Dance club: Take decisions about the choreographers, the sound control, the music used. Choose the pupils who will consist the stasimon.  Create music for the play using simple musical instruments which will be created from the Art club.  •While the pupils work some of them are in charge of taking photos and videos.

    Day 6. The teams finish their work. They collaborate in the scene in order to compose the final product.

    Day 7. Presentation of the play in an ancient Greek theatre near the area of Schimatari

    ( if the weather allows us, otherwise it will be presented at the Fest Hall of the 2nd Primary School of Schimatari) Representatives from the municipality, the local press and parents will be invited to the presentation.

    Day 8. We will give certificates to the participants and then have a Greek party with traditional food cooked by the mothers of the Greek pupils. Students from our school will present traditional Greek dances and all of us will join them.


    Voting on Tricider – students and parents if possible

    Club leaders


    Greek school – the accommodation for students in 18 families and for accompanying 6+1 teachers in a hotel – as cheap as possible. After the workshops, the school prepares a written report on the assumptions, achievements and conclusions coming from it all on websites.


    The students will be familiar with the programme of their workshops and know what is expected from them during it and when they return. Before leaving for transnational workshops roles to the students are assigned. There will be a responsible student who takes pictures, who records the videos, who makes interesting notes from the workshop to present them after returning to the school and to the parents, the products of the students' work that will be brought.  By this students learn to organize their work before leaving, they’ll learn self-control, self-esteem and responsibility, as expected in the project method. Each group of students participating in international workshops, in their school, prepares a presentation - an exhibition of imported props, souvenirs and products of the workshops. They prepare a report with pictures, powerpoint presentations, posters - invite parents and representatives of the municipality institutions. They organize an open day and then they show and tell the visitors what they have learned, what they have experienced, what was interesting, what should be implemented to work in the classes, they present the film. The students are responsible for the entire organization of the open day presentation with the help of their teachers. Teachers also prepare a presentation for the whole teachers’ council.


    Evaluation and monitoring teams with Greek school

    December 2016

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    A5 An open day after the international workshops.


    A2.1 Polish school: A “Nativity play” for the whole school and invited visitors, special school students, parents, etc… - 21.12.2016 (1000 in the morning – Greece – 1100)


    A2.1.1 Greek school: „Odyssey” – 22.12.2016 (morning)


    A2.1.2 Croatian school; “Wolf in love” – 16.12.2016 (around 18:00)


    A2.1.3 Slovenian school: “We are the nation of the best location”  - 8.12.2016 (afternoon)


    Club leaders


    Students and teachers attending the workshops

    In Polish school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    In Greek school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    Croatiaclub leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)


    In Slovenian school: club leaders with the help of the language teachers (- the names in each school schedule)

    January 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled.  The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    PowerPoint presentations of the Greek workshops and play performances, uploading photos on Facebook, Twinspace and subpages of our school websites, the project website.


    Winter break in Polish school 23.01. -  05.02.2017

    Club leaders


    Club leaders with the students involved in the activities.

    February 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    A2.2 Public performances of a Shakespeare play “Romeo and Juliet” the balcony scene with national elements in each school, in English and national languages, for parents during parents’ meetings.

    ( Slovenia 7.02.2017 – other countries: in Poland 9th 12 – for the parents, and then on 14.02.2017)

    22.02. 2017 - Greece, 03.03.2017 - Croatia.


    Evaluation surveys among students and their parents

    Club leaders


    Club leaders with the help of the English language teachers


    The teams of evaluation and monitoring in each school

    March 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs


    A3.1  Students’ art exhibition” with national emblems, poems,  – school exhibition – open to the local community

    (Greece 24.03.2017 along with the play for the Greek Revolution of 1821, other countries 21.03.2017)


    A2.4  An Open reading night - for anyone, who wants to attend + video conference (Friday 17.03.2017 )


    Club leaders


    The Art Club leaders with the students involved in the activities.


    Language teachers + any teacher, who wants to attend + students

    April  2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.  


    C2 The second students’ international workshopsin Croatia Croatian art – straw sculpture, drama and different nations dance workshops”

    Duration: 3.04.2017 – 8.04.2017 – 6 days without the journey, 18 students and 6 teachers, including the coordinator. - Certificates for all participants.

    Croatian School: Workshop program (every day, there will be four hours of  activities at school with two 20-minute breaks)

    Day 1, Welcoming guests from the partner countries. Presentation of the host country and of other partners as well (PowerPoint presentations from each participating school, exhibition or the like.)

    Day 2, Presentation of dances that we will learn and introducing the nations and countries from which these dances originated. The dramatization of the famous children's story Stribor's Forest by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić. We split the students into groups. One group will learn to dance, and the other will work on the dramatization of the story.

    Dividing students into 4 groups – learning the dances.

    Day 3, an Educational trip to Karanac (an ethnic village near Darda) and its "Street of forgotten time". This can help students get acquainted with the past of the Baranya people (whose dances they are taught).

    Day 4, Workshop - making straw sculptures. Expert assistant Nikola Faller (land art artist from Osijek) will lead a workshop in which, each student will make a sculpture of straw.

    Day 5, Expert assistant Nikola Faller, land art artist from Osijek, will lead a workshop for all students and teachers and they will make a sculpture of straw which is a few meters high. After that, we will prepare for the closing ceremony, which will be the following day (revise the dances, prepare an exhibition of straw sculptures).

    Day 6 On the closing ceremony the learned dances and a play according to the story Stribor's Forest will be performed and there will be an opening of the exhibition of straw sculptures. All students, parents, local community and the media will be invited to the Ceremony.

    After the Ceremony, there will also be a party (with traditional Croatian dishes prepared by the students' parents), at which the Croatian students will say goodbye to their friends from the partner countries and eventually certificates will be given to all participants.


    10th – 23rd April – Easter vacations in Greece

    16th – 17th April – Easter in Poland


    Middle School National Exam in Poland after 19th  - 21st April

    Club leaders


    Croatian school – the accommodation for students in families and for accompanying teachers in a hotel. After the workshops the school prepares a written report on the assumptions, achievements and conclusions coming from it all –publishes on websites.


    The head teachers’ conference on “The impact of the project on the participating schools” (– if possible financially)


    May 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled.  The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs


    A5.1 An open day after the international workshops

    Public presentation of students’ achievements during their international workshops – an exhibition of their work, souvenirs – students present their work and conclusions to invited guests, the school, etc. (5.05.2017 )(in Polish school – on 27th April)


    A4.1 Day of National of Dances”  - a public presentation of the dances students learnt during their workshops – for parents and guests in each school.



    Participating teachers to the international conference in Slovenia workshop,  prepare an article for good practices.

    Club leaders


    Students participating in the workshops with their teachers


    Dance club leaders with the students involved in the activities.

    Teachers participating in the Slovenian students’ workshop prepare an article about their experiences in basic skills teaching – good practices, send the articles to the Slovenian school till 31st of May 2017

    June 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs


    PowerPoint presentations of the Croatian workshops and other earlier events, uploading photos on eTwinning, Facebook and subpages of our school websites.


    Evaluation of the first year


    M2 The second transnational project meeting in Slovenian school– a summary, monitoring and evaluation of the first year of our project, its results, preparation of the partial report, conclusions. Work on the teacher’s guide

    (28.06.2017 – 30.06.2017)

    Club leaders


    Club leaders with the students involved in the activities


    The evaluation and monitoring teams


    Slovenian school –  the coordinators

    July 2017


    Online cooperation among students on Facebook, eTwinning, e-mails and postcards from holidays.


    Students involved in the projects

    August 2017


    Writing the partial report of the first year work.


    The coordinator of the project with the cooperation of the other schools’ coordinators

    September 2017

    A1 Complementary recruitment (if needed)


    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled


    M3 The third transnational project meeting in Greek school - further planning, taking conclusions of the previous meeting in the planning, introducing new or other ideas, specification of the international workshops, discussing the details of activities in the second year of our project, plans for evaluation, further management budget planning and work on the teachers' guide

    (25.09.2017 – 27.09.2017)

    School coordinators with their teams,

    Club leaders


    Greek school –the coordinators

    October 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled.


    19.10.2017. Polish school’s Patron’s Day


    C3 The third students’ international workshops – in Slovenia “Local art in the open air, folk dance and Maths Drama workshops”–  

    Duration: 9.10.2017 – 14.10.2017 (6 days without journey), 18 students and 6 teachers, including the coordinator, are going to come from the other partners - certificates for all participants.

    Day 1 (Monday) 9.00-11.50 school lesson attendance

    12.00 tour of school + meeting activities. 13.30 lunch. 15.00 tour of Kamnik with representatives of the Tourist Office, City Hall etc. 18.00 dinner.

    Day 2 (Tuesday)

    9.00-20.00 field trip to the coastal town of Piran: art club workshop (outdoor painting)

    Days 3 & 4 (Wednesday, Thursday) 9.00-18.00 workshops:

    • Maths is such a drama, but could it be fun as well? Maths-themed improvisational theatre, making a maths-based “activity” game; searching for mathematical goals in Romeo and Juliet (if the play is chosen, everyone will know it) and acting them out.

    • Slovene folk dancing and songs workshop: students learn to sing and dance to some folk songs (e.g. Bela, bela lilija, Abraham, Barčica etc.). It has been suggested that teachers are also to take part in the workshop since this will be new for them too. The goals of the dancing part of the workshop are · to learn the steps of Slovene folk dancing,

    · to follow simple choreography,

    · to develop hand and leg movement coordination,

    · to develop orientation in a limited space,

    · to develop a sense of contentment at mastering body expression through movement.

    • Drama workshop: acting out a Slovenian folk short play (possibly only one act or scene) and/or improvisational theatre (in cooperation with other teachers); acting is to be done in English, focused on Slovenian culture (Slovenian expressions, national costumes, typical objects etc. will be incorporated in the acting (depending on availability)).

    Art workshop: screen printing (T-shirt printing)

    workshop for teachers: GPS or workshop of choice (poll!)

    Day 3 (Wednesday) 9.00-20.00 field trip to Velika Planina: art workshops together with students from two other local schools, OŠ 27. julija and CIRIUS (both are schools for children with special needs)

    Day 5 (Friday) International Teachers Conference on Students’ Competences, Treasure Hunt - Maths

    Day 6 (Saturday) 8.30 Dress rehearsal

    10.00 School Event Escape School +art exhibition, awards presentation for best artworks, certificates for each participant in the workshops.

    12.00 End of event and lunch

    13.30 Farewell. Home return

    Club leaders


    Slovenian school – the accommodation for students in families and for teachers in a hotel – as cheap as possible. After the workshops, the school prepares a written report on the assumptions, achievements and conclusions coming from it all.

    Arrival  - 8.10.2017


    Teachers’ international conference – sharing good practices “Developing basic Skills” – the article sent in May and a power point or so presentation – sent to the school before the workshop

    November 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs. Maths regional cut-scenes in drama clubs.


    A5.2 An open day after the international workshops. Public presentation of students’ achievements during their international workshops – the exhibition of their work, souvenirs – students present their work and conclusions to invited guests, the school, etc.

    16.11.2017 - Poland and Croatia

    Friday,03.11.2017  -Greece  

    Club leaders


    Drama Club leaders with language teachers.


    Students participating in the workshops with their teachers

    December 2017

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs  


    A2.1.4 In Polish school a public folk stage performance "The Kurpian Chamber" + video conference if possible, film (22.12.2017)

    A2.3 Public performances of a German play Little Red Riding Hood” in English and national language - Croatian with their regional elements – for parents during a parents’ meeting and guests. (film) - 20.12.2017.


    A2.1.7 Slovenian school: “The sound of music” 22.12.2017

    Club leaders


    Art, Dance & Theatre Club leaders with the students involved in the activities

    January 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    PowerPoint presentations of the recent events and the Slovenian workshops, uploading photos on eTwinning, Facebook and subpages of our school websites, the project website.


    A3.2 Students Folk Art Exhibition – regional aspects (traditions).

    19.01.2018 - Poland, Greece

    31.01.2017 - Croatia

    Slovenia -  

    22.01.2018 – 04.02.2018  - winter break in the polish school

    Club leaders


    Club leaders with the students involved in the activities


    Art club leaders with the students involved in the activities

    February 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled.

    The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    A2.1.5 Greece: “Esopos’ myths” – the public presentation of two to three myths in native language- for parents and guests. the end  - 27.02.2018 - no sound movie, puppets and others


    A2.1.6 Croatian school: “Dirty boy a boy Roma who has learning problems because he does not understand the language. During the play, students will learn a few basic words in the Roma language (greetings, numbers ...)  


    A2.3 Public performances of a German play Little Red Riding Hood” in German and national languages in Polish, and Slovenian schools with their regional elements – for parents during a parents’ meeting and guests. (film)

    Poland - 15.02.18,

    Slovenia 7.02.2018


    Evaluation survey among the parents and students, Google Forms, till 15th March

    Club leaders


    Art, Dance & Theatre Club leaders with the students involved in the activities.


    Evaluation and monitoring teams

    March 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    C4 The fourth students’ international workshops – in Poland “Local folk art, stand up drama, craftwork, singing and dance workshops”

    Duration –19.03.2018 – 25.03.2018 (7 days without journey),18 students and 6 teachers, are going to come from the other partners, ending on Palm Sunday with a public show –Certificates for all participants.

    Sunday: Arrival of participants, accommodation and rest after the journeys (with the families and teachers in the hotel - a meeting with the project coordinator).

    Day 1, Monday: All the participants come to school
    -  a short presentation at the gym, 1. Welcome speech – the Head Teacher. 2. Coordinator's speech 3. Short Welcome Performance: "The Girl Went To The Woods", “Stara Baba” and Latin Dances + and other)
    - Work in 3 groups of about 20 students, in changes:
    - First change:
    • 1gr. dances with animator, Ms Patrycja Kuczyńska and Mr Jan Kania, the author of the play
    • 2gr. drama with animator, Ms Agnieszka Hakizimana
    • 3gr. paper flowers and cut-outs with regional artists: Ms Elżbieta Kasznia, Mr Stanisław Ropiak
    -Second change of groups:
    • 2gr. dances with animator, Ms Patrycja Kuczyńska and Mr Jan Kania - the author of the play
    • 3gr. drama with animator, Ms Agnieszka Hakizimana
    • 1gr. paper flowers and cut-outs with regional artists: Ms Elżbieta Kasznia, Mr Stanisław Ropiak
    -Third change of groups:
    • 3gr. dances with animator, Ms Patrycja Kuczyńska and Mr Jan Kania - the author of the play
    • 1gr. drama with animator, Agnieszka Hakizimana
    • 2gr. paper flowers and cut-outs with regional artists: Ms Elżbieta Kasznia, Mr Stanisław Ropiak,
    - work in clubs - assignment of roles and tasks - drama - Agnieszka Hakizimana - dance - Jan Kania - art -Ms Elżbieta Kasznia, Mr Stanisław Ropiak - presentation of the Slovenian school
    Day 2, Tuesday: Group workshops for all participants of Kurpian art,- workshops in clubs:
    - drama, dance Easter eggs.
    - presentation of the Croatian school
    - craftwork and paper cutting. It’ll take about 6 – 8 hours. Certificates from the farm workshops.

    Day 3, Wednesday: A whole education trip to Olsztyn - the Castle, The Warmia and Mazury Museum. Planetarium

    Day 4, Thursday: an Educational trip to Warsaw: Warsaw Uprising Museum, the Old Town...

    Day 5, Friday 23-3-2017, Dough sculpture workshop outside the school 30 kilometres away, in a Kurpian Farm in Kadzidło finished with some games and a bonfire. Kurpian Stand Up Drama workshops in all clubs i taking part and role-playing in “The Kurpian Chamber” in English – simplified for foreign participants.

    Day 6, Saturday 24-3-2017: Presentation day. meeting at school, dress rehearsal - the performance of the Stand Up Drama - “In the Kurpian Chamber” + dances from each school, Croatian school - folk dance, song from the Slovenian school, Greek school students - Zorba dance (students in costumes) and Greek Dance Group - "Cultural Association Terpsichore",
    - Certificates, The Headteacher’s speech, Major’s and the Coordinator’s, the exhibition of the workshop participants’ works
    - lunch at the gym - regional Polish cuisine - prepared by the parents and the school kitchen, cakes, coffee.
    Day 7, Sunday 25-3-2017: The Palm Sunday Ceremony, presentation of the dances by the Greek Dance Group "Cultural Association Terpsichore", the children from Greece  - Zorba dance, a Slovenian song, a Croatian dance (students in costumes), “Fafur”- Polish regional dance group together with the foreign participants of the workshop - those, who have been practising it.
    - Palms Competition - Prizes
    - The exhibition of the workshop participants’ works
    Monday,26-3-2017 Departures of the participants.


    Interviews with the local authorities about the presented project results and students’ achievements

    Club leaders


    Polish school – the accommodation for students in families and for teachers in a hotel.

    After the workshops, the school prepares a written report on the assumptions, achievements and conclusions coming from it all.


    • pairs of dancers in regional costumes, if possible, for the Palm Sunday dance performances from each school

    • Easter customs from each country - a presentation or some exhibits to show

    • Adult group Cultural Association of Tanagra Municipality “Terpsichore”- 12 people - coming on 23.03.2018 till 26.03.2018 -departure together with the kids


    Dissemination teams, students with their teachers

    April 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.

    A2.2.1 Greece: Present Little Red Riding Hood” in English and Greek, with regional elements, using video conference so that each school sees us.

    15.05.2017 - Greece

    A2.4.1 An Open Reading night - for anyone, who wants to attend + video conference. (25th of April  

    online meeting 20.00 for Greece/ 19.00 for others)


    29th of March 3rd April 2018r. Easter Time in Poland

    Middle School National Exam in Poland after 20th April

    1.04.2018 – 15.04.2018 Easter time for Greece

    Club leaders


    English teacher with the Drama, Art & Music club leaders with the students involved in the activities.

    Language teachers + any teacher, who wants to attend + students


    May 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    A5.3 An open day after the international workshops. Public presentation of students’ achievements during their international workshops – the exhibition of their work, souvenirs – students present their work and conclusions to invited guests, the school, etc.

    (15.05.2017 for Greece along with the “Little Red Riding Hood”)

    A4.2 Folk regional dance presentationfilm

    3.05.2018 - Poland

    29.5.2017 - Greece

    11.05.2017 -  Croatia


    Filling in the Europass Language Passport online – printing them. - end of May - Store all the students and teachers’

    passports in one file, so that it would be easy to enter and prove they were filled in.

    Club leaders


    Club leaders with the students involved in the activities.


    Dance Club leaders with the students involved in the activities.


    Foreign language teachers with all the students participating in the project.

    June 2018

    A2, A3, A4 Workshops in the clubs – as scheduled. The skills, techniques and ways acquired during all the transnational workshops must be incorporated in the constant work in the clubs.


    A4.2 Folk regional dance presentation -

    5.06.2017 for Slovenia


    -The end of the club workshops – students receive their certificates.


    -PowerPoint presentations of the recent events and the workshops, uploading photos on Facebook, eTwinning and subpages of our school websites, project website.


    -Evaluation survey among students, parents and the local authorities – the project aims achievement, students’ results in tests and exams. 4-8 June

    Club leaders


    All teachers who worked with the clubs.


    Students and teachers involved


    The evaluation teams.

    July 2018


    M4 The fourth transnational teachers’ meeting – in Croatia, participants: Poland, Greece, Slovenia.

    Duration: 5 days – 1 - 6.07.2018

    (Summation, evaluation and conclusions for the final report, sustainability of the project). Planning the further cooperation between partners on eTwinning for our students to continue their tasks, videoconferences, exchange of school events’ photos,  the accomplishment of the online teacher’s guide as the final product of our project. etc.

    e-Twinning - national and European Label

    Croatian school organizes the programme of the meeting and accommodation for the coming guests. 3 teachers coming – 1 from each school – the coordinators.

    arrival on 30th June

    departure on 7th July

    August 2018


    Writing the final report.

    Application for e-Twinning - national Label

    The Project coordinator with the partners’ cooperation.