Math Around Us



    With an aim to exercise:

    • calculation of the polygon's area,
    • multiplication of multi-digit numbers,
    • converting units of measurement surfaces and
    • connecting maths with a practical life,

    we will imagine that we work in a carpenter's shop and that someone ordered a bookcase as it's drawn on the picture below.

    Our task is to calculate how much material is needed, how much it will cost in Serbian dinars and to convert that price into euros.

    Carpenter will use MDF Sheets, 10mm thick, which cost 600 RSD per 1m2.

    We are going to work in groups on this task.


    On the picture bellow is a part of our team working on this task: Anastasija, Natalija and Jelena




    Inspired by the work of our friends from Žitorađa, we solved the same problem using the knowledge from proportions.



    The last class in this school year was the common class held between the students of the 6th and the 7th grade.

    The seventh graders held a lecture (workshop) to their younger buddies about the proportions in practice and introduced them with the themes and a new subject (chemistry) that they will have in the next year.


    Italian team from Grosseto: from bees to probability 



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