1. Official Documents

  • AC-REUNION-Formulaire-DroitImage-mineur.pdf

    Add any documents useful for the project, for example legal authorizations for under 18

  • Please add your official documents below about the project

    Legal authorizations in Lycée de Vincendo (France)

    Document authorizing use of students images signed by parents

    Bekir ARILIK - Bağbaşı Anadolian Imam Orator High School (Turkey)


    Legal permits from parents to participate in eTwinning projects (Jordan)
    Integration to Curriculum, Nur Ç.Bodur, Istanbul (Turkey)

    Some items related with eTwinning projects picked up from National Education Basic Law

    Zain Sharaf Secondary School for girls / Asma Ajarmeh / Jordan

    Legal permits from parents

    Ayse DOK-Didim Yenihisar Anatolian HS

    Parent Permission Forms

    Legal Permits from parents, Nur Ç. Bodur, Kaşif Kalkavan M. A. High School

    Thanks to parents for their sign and kind support to eTwinners. Kasif Kalkavan Multiprogramme Anatolian High School, Istanbul, Turkey

    Accordance with curricula /Ayse DOK-Didim Yenihisar Anatolian HS
    Ayse DOK-Didim Yenihisar Anatolian HS

    Basic Law of National Eduation

    Esra İYMEN iKİZOĞLU İkizoğlu-Bagbasi Anadolian Imam Orator High School


    Zain Sharaf Secondary School for girls / Asma Ajarmeh / Jordan

    Vision, mission and core values