>>4<< How do we divide jobs?

  • Activity >>4<< How do we divide jobs?
    Students search for information about different jobs, they prepare descriptions of these professions, create mindmaps and share their works.


     STUDENT'S WORK:  see the FORUM:  FORUM -> Jobs and careers.

      Vote for the best group SIRPx:  
     (everyone can vote once and add argument) 



    Instuctions for this activity:

    • First you can find your career category (by colour of your team).
    • After that you can explore professions that belong to your field (use internet, or websites in our FORUM -> Resources) and write these names of careers into "answergarden" >>> BRAINSTORMING
    • Than each team will create something about several professions from the lists in blue circles - you can create mindmaps (by hand or using webtools...), presentations (slideshare, powtoon, prezi, emaze...) or clipbooks (cliptomize)...  Your work will be published in FORUM -> Jobs and careers.
    • Last step is evaluating your team job - vote for the best internatiol group SIRPx.