Discovering the EU

  • Here are some activities/visits that we did in our schools so as to raise awareness on the European Union context.

  • Activities/visits in our schools

    Breakfast with the EU

    In order to raise interest and foster further knowledge about the EU, the language teachers at KLARA Vallgatan organized a EU breakfast with a quiz. The students ordered food and drinks in different languages and took a quiz about the EU.

    Visiting the European Parliament

    65 French students visited the European Parliament in Brussels. They learnt more about: the history of the EU, how the Parliament works, the languages used.

    Online Quiz about the European Union.

    Try it and post your results!

    Europe & Young People

    A dubbing activity with an overview of the European programmes for young people up to the present

    An escape game about the EU

    French students discovered the history of the EU with an escape game.

    European Language Day

    Every year Polish students from I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adama Mickiewicza celebrate the ELD to promote language learning, cultural awareness and international integration. This year the celebration took the form of a contest where participants had to prepare a stall dedicated to the EU country assigned by random lot drawing. These had to include inormation about the culture of the country, a short presentation of the language, a cuisine sample and a song performed by the students. Needless to say, the contest was fun for everyone involved. Full realtion and pictures are availabla at:

    Discovering the 27 countries of the EU for Europe Day

    Students flash the QR codes of the different countries (videos or recordings made by classes of the school)

    Celebrating Europe Day 2022 at IES Cantabria-Santander

    1. Video-conference with an EPAS school in Rumania.
    2. Activities in our school library: Music performance by students, Europe anthem-Reading essays and postcards in the school library-Erasmus exchanges' experiences, InCC: in Culture, in Contact.
    3. Postcards' exhibition, We Europe.

    Europe Day 2022 at IES Cantabria

    School website: