11. Skype meetings

  •  Skype meeting Lithuania - Greece (Vida-Matina). Children showed their drawings to each other, sang beautiful songs, greeted in their own language. Such Skype meetings children really like, they are waiting for new meetings.

    I call on the project partners to agree with each other and meet on Skype.



    Our friends from Greece today did surprise for us  in Skype meeting- showed a beautiful spectacle about flowers, butterflies, ladybirds and bees. Many many thanks !!! Many thanks for you, dear Katerina ! :)


    I would like to thank  you Vida and your children for their patience and approval. As you could see, we are a very enthusiastic  and a bit noisy group but we did our best and we loved presenting you our spectacle. Thanks again and hope to see you again!!! :-)



    Today we had a Skype meeting with project partners from Greece. We had a very friendly and joyful conversation, sang songs and agreed to meet again next week. Thank you, Catherine and children :)





    Münevver Çakır Ertekin Turkey


    Today we have had a Skype meeting with Vida and her student.Instead of hearing problems we completed it and me and my student become very happy to the little loucly puppils Vida has. I hope we can try agan and hear ourseıves this time.