Partners meeting 5/2/2021


    shared timeline

    PRESENTATION at the beginning of the project

    1. students presentations: matched schools will suggest a presentation activity to their students (in the dedicated page); students will send their presentation to the matched partner; REMEMBER TO PUBLISH THE PAGE 
    2. all students will upload their products in the "Students' Avatars" gallery; then they will EVALUATE the activity;

    MAIN TOPIC starting on 9th February

    1. "A quiz on social networks" : all students will take part in the survey, check their result and then DISCUSS in the forum in the same page; teachers should support students in this task (have you written your result? have you shared opinion with someone else? etc.)
    2. "Warm up activity" all students will take part in this activity and create a WordCloud of positive/negative words (mental associations) about the internet; the WordCloud could be also the first symbol of the project;
    3. [work in progress: CODE OF CONDUCT (teachers will propose these videos about wrong behaviour online:

      Blocking and Reporting 

      Rules for being kind online 

    students will discuss about the topics and then prepare their own poster/code of conduct - work as international groups. All posters will be uploaded in wakelt or padlet. Teachers compare their Code of Conducts with the eTwinning Netiquette. At the end students will discuss about the infographic uploaded in materials - decision trees]


    1. use our Homepage to publish any news about activities launched, news from the partner schools; any pictures of products you think can motivate and create our project community;
    2. write in the teachers' Bulletin to communicate or ask something, students won't see anything of it and every teacher can be informed quickly;
    3. WRITE YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS IN "Teachers' room" => personal mail addresses (it is also visible ONLY TO TEACHERS )