• The project main aims are:

    • Promote students’ knowledge and awareness about issues related to climate change at local level as well as at global level
    • Provide students with inspirational models and motivate them to get involved in their community as active citizens
    • Improve  students skills in foreign language
    • Improve their ability to work in teams, to collaborate, to think critically, to respect other people’s opinion and to be interculturally competent
    • Improve students’ digital competence by involving them in several activities that will require the use of various ITC tools



    Around me, around us 


    1. Let's get to know each other

    1.1School and pupils’ introduction: Twinspace profile (Beginning of February)
    1.2 School presentations (if possibile, some students may be on distance learning)

    2. What's climate change?

    2.1 Video watching activities

    2.2 Catch climate change with a photo

    3. How green are you? / Logo competition


    4. Sharing our local pratice (separate collection schemes, environmental issues and organizations, etc.)

    5. Sharing and discussing about songs related to climate change/Survey


    Let's take action (April-May)

     6. Making presentations/mind maps about causes and consequences of climate change

    7. Writing a collaborative manifesto 

    Evaluation (end of May)