• We have a winner!


    Selected logo in (Italy) Sicily

    After voting by dotstorming, Italian students and teachers delegations chose as the best logo Rita's proposal. It contains properly: the title of the project and its main topic, represented by the social media icons and the clear words "Fake news", the eTwinning logo, the flags of the three Countries involved in the projects. Moreover, the hands embody at the same time the cooperation among the partners and brotherhood. Finally, the round shape of the logo symbolizes unity, perfection and continuity, being the symbol for the universe and the infinite.


    Reading the news, either on tv, newspaper or social media, is like jumping in a swimmingpool. Sometimes the water is clear, but some other times it's full of dirt. This logo represents the risks of jumping into the pool of the media, and how we'd better be ready, critical and literate to face misinformation. This project, whose participant countries flags are on the side of the pool, will make us stronger in that sense!

    Koldo Mitxelena

    This is how we created it:
    We have been teaching and learning F2F, so we could create a collaborative logo in class. The class suggested the ideas and Raúl and Irati expressed it with this drawing.
    After the first draft, we discussed that we don't read newspapers so much. As we got informed by other means, we added social media icons to complete the logo because it would be more realistic. We don't like flags because we don't like being represented by colours, so that's why we didn't add any.
    We could work on the project with the art and crafts teacher and our tutor, not only in the English lesson. We had a training course about the misuse of social networks with an expert, so we revised the concepts again.

    Campania's logo

    We have chosen this logo beacause it represents exactly what we want to communicate:understand and sort out information on the web and above all fight fake news through critical thinking.

    SSEL Bulgaria

    This is the logo the students from three classes at our school have voted for after they got acquainted with the idea of the project and the notion of media literacy during their English classes. "Fact or fake ?" is very difficult to tell in the huge stream of news in the modern world.

  • VOTE FOR OUR LOGO! Remember that you can't vote for your own school runner up
    Secondary school for European languages (Bulgaria)
    5 votes (10.42%)
    IES Jardín de Málaga
    12 votes (25.00%)
    Koldo Mitxelena
    15 votes (31.25%)
    13 votes (27.08%)
    3 votes (6.25%)