In this section, mixed groups prepare the topics of the news; the narration; reports, and videos.
First, each student chooses his role :
- TV News Creator: propose topics
- News editor: write the speech; the report
- Reporter: do an interview with different people about topics
- Photographer: take picture and videos about topics and about interviews
- Presenter: present the tv news
- Video editor: edit news
Each student collaborate with the team to realize the final product and he has a badge with his name and his role
The final product goes through stages :
1) Tv news creator team prepares the topics to do.
2 ) News editor team write the speech and the interviews.
3 ) Reporter team interview different people about the topics.
4) Photographer team: take pictures and videos about topics and about interviews.
5 ) Presenter team presents the news.
6 ) Video editor team edits the videos of news and adds them to the youtube channel.
Procedure: Work process
TV News :
TV Team :
Editor Team :
World News (linoit)
TV team Work
Our final product: TV international News