Social Media Room

  • To initiate the part of Social Media with our students, we will create a collaborative questionnaire for our students
    So propose your questions for the students concerning Social Networks, their impacts, and their relation with Media Literacy and disinformation.

    The Form link

    Edit link

    Our Social Media ebook 

  • Propose your questions and share this Form with your students !

    Ali Ennouri prep school Sfax Tunisia

    Fatma Bouaziz
    here are my proposed questions, while waiting for your proposals

    Glykeria Gkouvatsou, 11th Lyceum Peristeriou, Greece

    - Social media can affect the development of conversation skills
    Yes No May be

    -- Do social media influence your purchasing choices?
    Yes No May be

    - What is/are the main reason/s why you use social media?
    (Select all that apply for you)
    To get the news to share photos/videos to connect with friends/family to make new friends

    - In your opinion at what degree do social media affect personality shaping?
    Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree
    Strongly agree.

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Answering the form (20 and 21 May, B3b and B2b ICT classes at Ilion, Greece)

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece
    Gamze KÖKSALDI-Zubeyde Hanım Secondary School-İstanbul/ Turkey

    I am the only Turkish teacher from Turkey actively participating in the project. Students from Turkey are my students.