A timeline could be a good idea to present our project activities. New events will be added, as they take place. Our timeline can be found here. It's a clear image of the main events in the project.

1. October: - Teachers use emails and the TwinSpace to plan the details of the activities and establish base rules and Netiquette. They also introduce pupils to the use of the TwinSpace. - Pupils practice with the eTwinning platform , discuss and get to know each other in the TwinSpace forum. Icebreaking modules maybe used in this process - Introductions – pupils create personalized speaking avatars (Voki), upload their photos, and avatars in the TwinSpace, then pupils of the partner schools try to match every photo to the correct photo.
2. November: - Creating a logo of the project with the help of various tools (might be drawings, PPT etc..) a competition for the best logo will be held and students will vote online.
My school – a video for which pupils can collect or create materials (photos, videos, drawings) and combine them altogether . Then they create their video around the materials they have collected (Animoto, Movie Maker, Picasa3 or Photo Story).
3. December: - My home country and town – a slide show or PowerPoint presenting home towns (for example Photo Peach), a quiz – pupils share information about their countries using various tools and online quizzes.
4. January: - My hobbies and Healthy lifestyle: Me and my diet (QR Codes, Presentation Tools, AnswerGarden...)
7. February: - Statistics and me (analyzing graphs or charts showing statistical or numeric data, interpreting cultural differences and similarities of partners in other countries, creating a portrait/model/ of a typical pupil from each partner country and a typical eTwinner involved in the project
8. March: - Coding Games & Discussions on Forum and Padlet
9. April: - Evaluation - an online survey (SurveyMonkey), presentations during school events (Ambassador's Visit as well as in the occassion of 10th Anniversary of eTwinning, articles in local newspapers).
10. May: - Apply for National Quality Label with the National Support Service.