Ozobot ColorCode

  • The simplest way to encode the Ozobot robot is with the Color Code method. In addition to the robot, it is necessary to have stickers with ready-made codes and white paper. If you do not have a sticker, then you can draw the codes using red, blue, green and black markers. The path on which Ozobot will move should be black. It is recommended that the trail be approximately 5 millimeters wide, neat, continuous and without very sharp corners. But it is also possible to create a game with several unconnected fields, tracks. In this case, Jump codes are used to switch Ozobots from one path to another. Of course, it is also good to use Counter code commands to count the points won. In the game that is being created, we need to think about what result, ie the direction of Ozobota, we want to use under certain given conditions and tasks.
    Try it and you create your own game.


    You can learn more about ColorCode on official webpage: OZOBOT COLOR CODE.