Activities with the British Council

  • British researchers animate sustainable development workshops in English in institution of Academy of Paris, and a simulation of COP21 at the British Council

    Testimonies of 3 high school students Georges Brassens :

    We are going to tell you what happened during two afternoons with the British Council.

    " The first afternoon was so good ! Doing Science in English was really awesome ! We did many things like organic diesel, plastic with potatoes (strange right ?) and organic soap. At the beginning, when they began to speak in English, some pupils were already lost but they were so nice and they worried so much about us that they just began to understand all they said few minutes later. We made our own soap with the colour and the scent we chose. For instance, some of us made soaps with a round shape, with a blue colour and with a rose-mary scent. It was really funny and a good present to give to our family or our friends ! We also made our own plastic from potatoes but it was such a disaster ! Because it was not what we expected to have. In fact, we didn’t have enough time to wait to get a great plastic."

    "Two days later we met the scientists again at the British Council in Paris. There was also another class with whom we shared this great experience. We did as though we were the representatives of several countries at the Cop 21. So we divided ourselves into five groups which represented the USA, India, Tuvalu, China and Europe. : each group presented their country and said what they were determined to do for sustainable development and what they expected from the other countries. It was interesting because each country has different economies so they don’t want the same things. It was great because everybody played the game. At tea time, we tasted special English cakes which were new for us but good. Moreover, it was the birthday of one of the scientists : Josh ! So we can say that it was a wonderful afternoon but we wish we would have had more time to enjoy and to go further into the debate."

    1S2 – Alexia , Ana , Salsabil  et Lola

    A video on the project is visible on this site (partially in french) :