Polish cooperation with University

  • "Biologists' night"


    On 15th January 2016 students from our school took part in workshops organized by universities across Poland called "Biologists' night" It was a part of a project we are already taking part in, aimed at interesting students in biological sciences and  fostering cooperation with scientists. On that day we went to the Pomeranian Academy,  a university in Slupsk, to participate in this national event.

    We started the "Biologists' night" with a photos exhibition called "Avenues and tree rows of Pomerania". Photos taken by        phd. Z. Sobisz and phd M.Truchan showed interesting places, which create the natural landscape of our small homeland. The photo exhibition and professor's lecture about tree rows and avenues were very interesting.







    Second lecture was prepared by Phd Anna Zduńczyk. She presented ways to enjoy SPA at home, which involved the use of plants in cosmetics in natural cosmetology. Thanks to this lecture, we found out how to prepare such cosmetics at home, for example a nourishing mayonnaise for hair, green bath salt, enzymatic green peeling mask and shampoo from soap dish.



    The last class we took part in was hosted by Sebastian Szmyjda. During these workshops each of us could see the difference between a frog and mammalian blood. In addition, we had the opportunity to measure OB blood and identify it's group. This task was  very interesting for us.