Final survey about true or fake news

  • In the previous activity we saw that misinformation or incorrect and misleading information are very dangerous for those who surf the net.

    Recently the European Commission twitted "There has never been a more urgent need for an Internet free of false or misleading information than during the coronavirus pandemic”. 

    Accordingly with the Commission, the spread of both disinformation and misinformation can have a range of consequences, such as threatening our democracies, polarising debates, and putting the health, security and environment of EU citizens at risk.

    This year, 2021, eTwinning focuses on two sides of the same coinMedia literacy, on one side, and how to tackle the phenomenon of disinformation and fake news, on the other. It was made clear during 2020, the year of the corona pandemic, that the exposure of citizens to disinformation is a major challenge not only for adults but also for students. 

    Being smart online is crucial for everybody and eTwinning's mission is helping new generations to learn to surf the web safe and sound, so the final task that the teachers planned for the international teams is to create a survey to see how capable we are of recognizing real or fake news.

    Each international team will create or search the web for fake news and real news with a fake appearance: during the last videoconference the students, their parents and their teachers not involved in the project will answer this survey, playing all together. Who will be able to create the most challenging questions and answer the most questions exactly?

    Remember that you can understand if a news is fake or real by checking the sources of the information and using all the precautions indicated in the ebook by the team that dealt with fake news. Here you have a brief summary of the strategies you can use to decide.

    Each international team can collaborate using a tool called Tricider and its members, by carrying out a web search, can propose questions (indicating whether they are real or fake): for each team the two most voted questions (one fake and one real) will be chosen for the final game.

    If another team chooses the same question, the most voted question will be chosen and the second most voted will be chosen for the other team.


    Deadline for this task: May 7th