SPAIN - Colegio Nuestra Señora de Monte-Sión

  • Colegio Nuestra Señora de Monte-Sión is a school located in Torrent, a city of about 85,000 inhabitants in Valencia city metropolitan area. At our school, there are 78 teachers and 3 psychologists currently working at our school. Located in a conflicting neighborhood with many dysfunctional families and a great social and economic polarization, we have a mix of 1200 Spanish and Valencian speaking students (Ss) as well as immigrant ones aged 3-18 Ss (from Ukraina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Equador, Romania, …). Our school charism is characterized by being an open school to the
    reality of immersed multicultural classrooms.

    As for Shape the Future Teacher project, we intend that our teachers will learn from all the scenarios the partners will prepare and disseminate these results with our students.

    Finally, it will offer our teachers the opportunity to experience teaching methodologies in other European schools which will enrich our vision of teaching from an European point of view. 

    Since 2005/06, our plurilingual project enables our students to be taught in four different languages: Spanish, Valencian, English and French. To reinforce it, we took part in a multilateral Comenius project in 2013-15 and since then we have participated in several Erasmus+ projects.