💭STEP 4. BRAINSTORMING🧠 (deadline 31st January 2021)


    What is "HATE SPEECH"?


    The coordinating school uploads links and videos in the MATERIALS section on the theme of DIVERSITY, STEREOTYPES AND TOLERANCE, as well as stimulating questions on the videos.

    Teachers from every partner school will present the FILES uploaded in the MATERIALS section and discuss in class in order to make the students aware of the theme “No hate speech”. At the beginning different definitions and interpretations of the theme will be discussed, for example (Targeting an individual or a group of people based on protected characteristics, such as race or ethnic origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or disability. and so on).

    After the activities proposed by the teacher, each student has to think and generate a definition of HATE SPEECH. Each student will upload the definition in the TWINBOARD.


    Each student will then participate in the on line debate on the FORUM section, in order to exchange opinions.