• Teachers Introductions

    Annamaria Musillo

    Hello everyone and Welcome! My name is Annamaria and I am the coordinator of this wonderful project. If you have any doubts, dont'hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help you. I am a Spanish teacher at Ferraris High School and I love my job! In my free time, I like playing volleyball, reading and cooking. I am very excited to start this new adventure and I hope we all have fun and I am sure that we will reach our goals: learning and meeting cultures beyond stereotypes!

    María Jesús Ramírez Díez

    I am María Jesús, a teacher of classical languages ​​at IES Miguel de Unamuno in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain), and my passion is the study of the ancient world. I also love archeology, Romanesque art and dancing Zumba. I'm sure I'm going to really enjoy working on this project with all of you.
    One of the most widspread stereotypes about Basque people is that we eat a lot: eigth obligatory courses plus desert...This is a huge exaggeration! We normally eat a starter, two dishes and a dessert. Anyway, it's true that we eat well in the Basque Country. When you visit us you will taste our delicious "pintxos."

    Lemonia Papadopoulou

    Hi all ! My name is Lemonia (like the lemon tree) and i am the headmistress of 1st Vocational High school of Krya Vrysi. I am also an IT Teacher and i really love working with computers as much as i love teaching my students everything i know. I know that we will really rock this project and new friendships will develop and I cant wait until we meet eachother and get to know each one of you better.!Until then...please stay safe ... and keep on smiling ! Ahhh and what i beleive is our genuine stereotype , is that we love food , drinking and dancing all the time !!! I am closing my introduction with my favorite quote "when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it" ..So keep wanting as strong as you can ! Hugs to all

    Olga Gerakopoulou

    Hello dear teachers and students! My name is Olga and I'm an English teacher. I live in Yiannitsa, a city in North Greece, and this year I've been teaching English in the Vocational High School of Kria Vrisi. I really enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. My interests include arts, music and travelling. I believe that arts and music are the food for the soul, while travelling broadens your mind and gives you experience. I'm happy that this year we will be "travelling" together in this interesting project that will bring our cultures closer and will teach us about stereotypes. If I should mention one stereotype about the Greeks it's that we are thought to be working less than other people. So not true, it's just the sun that makes us wanna enjoy it!

    Lene Dall Berthelsen

    Hello students and teachers, 😊my name is Lene and I am from Denmark. I am the international coordinator and teacher at 10iCampus. English and Danish are the subjects, which I love to teach, and I am very proud of my students. All teaching at 10iCampus is based on IT. I love hiking in the forests all over Europe, and I am also interested in art and love to visit art museums. I like reading a good book and knit. Both students and teachers look forward to working together with our project about stereotypes.

    Flaviana Ciocia

    Hello everybody! My name is Flaviana Ciocia. I am an English teacher of I.I.S.S. 'Galileo Ferraris'in Taranto, southern Italy. I am happy to be part of this project and share the knowledge of our countries and education systems. Having to describe a stereotype associated to the Italian culture I'd mention as first the one related to our food habits. It's true that we love eating and eating well, but i'wouldn't speak of 'fixation' on food, rather of a vocation! Try and say!😃

    Camilla Højlund Hansen

    Hi everyone! My name is Camilla and I am from Denmark. I am a teacher at 10iCampus. Danish, English and Performance are the subjects I teach. I am also a counselor of ICT and reading. My fantastic students and colleagues always makes me feel over the moon.
    Being creative is important to me - in various ways (acting, singing, writing, painting and making films). I love art and performance. I enjoy running and walking in the evening. My home is full of colours, flamingos, and "happy things".

    A stereotype associated to the danish culture is that danes are punctual - which is true compared to the southern part of Europe. (Although I tend to arrive at the last minute..)
    I simply cannot wait to get started with this project. Stay safe! 😊