• Students Introductions

    Nikoleta Zafeiriou

    Hi everyone! My name is Nikoleta and I'm from Greece.. I'm an athlete of track,I like playing volleyball and painting .I'm a tall girl and I want to be a policewoman so you must be afraid of me. I'm jocking! I'm 16 years old and I'm in the 2nd class of 1st Vocational School of Kria Vrisi. I can't wait to learn many things about you! You can also ask me whatever you want. Greeks are generous people and appreciate the little things in life. Also they are very proud of their country and this is the point. One very interested stereotype is that Greeks eat well due to the mediterranean diet.

    Konstantinos Mertzanis

    Hi everyone! My name is Konstantinos and I'm from Greece. I'm 16 years old,and I'm in the 2nd grade of 1st Vocational School in Kria Vrisi.Here are some things about me! I'm an football player, I love playing football,football is a part of my life! Usually I play as a Left Winger but also Right Winger.In the future I wanna be a professional football player, that is my dream to achieve! On my free time I take my notebook and I write some positive quotes to keep me motivated on the hard days and I also like reading books about football.Here is for example one funny stereotype about Greek people. We say that we will be back in 15 minutes but we never show up.. time has no meaning, Greeks live for the moment, there's always tomorrow.. Also never give up and chase your dreams!!

    Alexandri Dimitra

    Hi everyone ! My name is Dimitra and I'm from Greece . I'm 16 years old and I'm in the 2nd class of Vocational School of Kria Vrisi . I'm athlet at TAEKWONDO and I like sports . Espetially the macial arts . In the future I want to be a military .It is a big life goal and I want to achieve this. Life is too short to wait for your destiny .

    Ylenia Pantaleo

    Hi! I'm Ylenia and I'm a sixteen-year-old girl who lives in Italy. I attend the Liceo Galileo Ferraris, a school in my town where I study languages (English, Spanish and Chinese). I've been always told I'm "one of kind"! I'm quite shy and moody, but when I open up to someone, I become what they call a social butterfly. I'm really fond of reading and writing: I enjoy several genres, but I prefer those books where there's action and twists. I also like listening to rock and indie music, customizing my clothes, and collecting huge and strange earrings. I'm also learning about photography!
    About my people, I've heard we're kind of seen as an idle, ignorant population with just one skill: cooking! Obviously, that's not true, as in my country there's much more than just pasta and pizza, and that my compatriots are competitive even in other areas.

    Sara Mele

    Hello everyone! I'm Sara, an aspiring artist who loves to learn about different cultures. I'm 16 and I attend Ferraris High School, where I study English, Spanish and Chinese. I love metalcore, screamo and rock music and I think of myself as a very double-sided person (not in a bad way! I think it's called duality), so I tend to express the way I feel inside with clothes and accessories. I'm also looking forward to making new friends! I'm quite shy, but this isn't going to stop me from opening up to you. I can't wait to know more about where you come from! I've heard that people overseas say that Italians talk with their hands quite a lot...and that's true! It's such a funny stereotype because I constantly do it without even realising, it's a bit obnoxious though!

    Samuele Formicola

    Hi, I'm Samuele. I'm 16 and i'm a nice guy! I attend Liceo Galileo Ferraris and I speak English, Spanish and Chinese (also Italian!). I like drawing, singing and writing stories. I want to become a TV host, or maybe a writer. I've heard that people say that Italians love football. I personally don't like football and I don't talk about it with my friends, but I know a lot of people who watch matches every week. So, i can guarantee it's true!

    Francesco Palmieri

    Hi everyone! I'm Francesco, a 16 years old boy and i'm from Italy. I attend Ferraris High School. I'm a really shy person and i'm not a big fan of long chats, but i'm really curious to meet someone who doesn't speak my language. I love listening to music, especially to alternative metal, my favourite group is Linkin Park. In my spare time i enjoy drawing and i'm always trying to get better and to improve my artistic skills. I also like to play volleyball, even if i'm short. My greatest goal in life is to be able to create and publish a comic. I've heard from people overseas that italians are often seen as people belonging to the mafia. Well, that's not true, and this "comment" it's quite rude, isn't it? Not all italians are bad people, so stop beliving in this kind of things!

    Sofia Lipiridou

    Hello everyone! My name is Sofia Lipiridou, I am 15 years old and I am go in the 1st class of 1st Vocational school in Kria Vrisi. I like playing theater and I am a member of a drama club, in my free time I like to hang out with my friends which we have a lot of fun together, the stereotype I would like to share with you is that..Greeks are loud and proud, And so the should be, they have a lot to shout about, Greece is the cradle of civilization and they gave the world a history. That's it about me, can't wait to get to know you better!

    Claudia Magli

    Hi everyone, I'm Claudia from Southern Italy (Taranto, go check it out). I'm 17, I attend Ferraris High School and I am a scout girl of AGESCI, a catholic association. I'm keen on Maths so I'd like to become a teacher in the future. I do like travelling, I've been to a London and a Dublin study-trip. It's very common to think that us Italians are "hand-gestures dipendent"; well, that's not completely true! Our language is so rich in terms and in expressions that we can easily have a conversation with our hands in our pockets.

    Christina Delimpei

    Hi guys, my name is Christina Delimpei, I am 15 years old and I am going in the 1st class of 1st Vocational school in Kria Vrisi. I was talking dance classes for the past 7 years and I had to stop it for personal reasons. I am still dancing in my free time I love it more and more, day by day! I have two siblings, a brother and sister and I am the youngest. Also in my free time i like watching movies and spending time with my friends and family. They say nothing is more important to Greeks than their family, they may fight and quarrel, they may not speak to each other for days, even weeks but in the end they will be together again..and it's true.This is me:) stay safe and love yourself!!

    Giorgia Colao

    Hi everyone!
    I'm Giorgia, I'm 17 and I attend the scientific high school Ferraris in Taranto. I speak Italian, English, and Spanish.
    I have been playing the piano for 6 years now, and in the future, I would
    like to become a surgeon.
    Talking about stereotypes, there is one I didn't know anything about it that I discovered 2 years ago. What happened is that I was in the USA, talking to a shop assistant, and as my mom couldn't understand her, she asked me where did we come from. I told her I was Italian, but she thought I lived there on my own to study.
    I told her I was an Italian student, and she was like "oh so you Italians can speak English?".
    I would like, together with my schoolmates, to prove this hearsay wrong.
    Anyway, I can't wait to meet all of you!

    Stefania Toska

    Hi everyone! My name is Stefania and I am from Greece. I am 15 years old and I am going in the 1st class of Vocational School in Kria Vrisi. In my free time I like watching different kind of movies. I love listening to music and more specifically k-pop. I used to play piano but i did not continue. Well that is me:) And I really want to know you guys better. Until then stay safe

    Efthimia Stavridou

    Hello everyone! My name is Efi and I am from Greece. I am 15 years old and I am going in the 1st class of vocational school in Krya Vrysi. A year ago I did ballet, but I stopped because I realized it was not what I wanted and now i am not involved in any sport. In my free time I watch a lot of movies and I like listening to music specifically k-pop.I hope to see you soon!!

    Sylvia Heather Conte

    Hey there! My name is Sylvia, I'm 16, and I'm from Italy. I attend a scientific high school, in which I love learning about biology and medicine. Aside from science, I have other interests, like drawing (I drew my profile picture by myself!) and going on camping trips with my friends. I also love travelling; I've been abroad a few times and I absolutely adored it. One day, I'd really like to become a veterinarian to help animals in need.
    A stereotype I often hear about my country is that Italian people tend not to leave their parents' house until they are over 30 years old! I think this stereotype is a little extreme, but deep down it's based on something true: Italian people love taking care of their family and sometimes young adults try not to leave it too soon.

    Alessandra Spagnolo

    I’m Alessandra, I’m 15 years old, I live in Taranto, Italy and I attend a scientific high school. I love going to the beach and swimming, playing sports (especially basketball) and I really love acting, and all the things about the world of cinema and theatre, infact I have been attending acting lessons once a week for two years. In my opinion there are some untrue stereotypes about Italians for example: not all Italians arrive late, there are punctual people and late arrivals like in any other country, but one stereotype that can respresent Italians is that “we talk with our hands”. Indeed the problem of stereotypes is exactly the tendency people have to attribute an habit to a whole group.

    Rahela Pashaj

    Hi everyone! I'm Rahela, I'm 17 years old and I am currently attending the scientific high school Galileo Ferraris in Italy. I am very keen on scientific subjects such as physics or math. Furthermore I love music and particularly I love playing the guitar. When it comes to stereotypes one funny stereotype about Italian people is the fact that they usually are far from being punctual. When me and my friends decide when to go out, we are aware that each one of us will be late.

    Greta Mara

    Hi everyone! My name is Greta Mara. I'm from Albania but I was born and live in Greece. I really love this country! I'm 16 years old and I'm in the 2nd grade of 1st Vocational School of Kria Vrisi. I speak Greek, Albanian and English. In the future I want to attend biomedical science classes. I would be proud if all my goals are achieved. I wouldn't say that I'm an athletic person. I like exercising but I'm bored most times. So in my free time I like hanging out with my friends and sharing secrets. I do not open up easy, it depends on the person I am talking to. Last but not least, I'd like to cooperate with all of you and I hope 2021 gets us better.

    Eleni Tsoni

    Hi everyone! My name is Elena and I'm from Greece.I am 15 years old, and I am in the 1st grade of Vocational High School in Krya Vrysi. I'm an athlete of volleyball and I practice 3 times a week. In addition, I like to playing football, painting and listening to music. My favourite kinds of music are pop,hip hop and sometimes rap. Also, I love to write articles for different themes that inspire me! In the future I want to be a doctor to help people.Moreover , one funny stereotype is that all Greeks seem to be related to one another! I hope to learn a lot of things about you soon!!!

    Angelos Chalis

    Hi eneryone! My name is Angelos and i am from Greece. I am 15 years old and I am going in the 1st class of Vocational School in Kria Vrisi. In my free time i do a lot of stuffs like watching netflix, playing video games and going out with my friends.

    Olimpia Lazou

    Hi everyone!My name is Olimpia and i'm from greece.I'm 15 years old, so i go in the 1st class of 1st Vocational School of Kria Vrisi. Let me tell you some characteristics about me. Generally, i like think different and weird stories and then i record them on a paper. Also, when i was young i used to attend lessons of tradiotional dance. When i grow up i would like to work as a aesthetic but i also prefer tο work in the field of tourism.I don't know yet! One of the stereotypes of the Greek is what, wherever there is party and fun we are there to dance until morning! Well that's for me, i'm very happy to meet you. I hope the best for you!!

    Veronica De Bartolomeo

    Hi everyone! My name's Veronica and I'm 15 years old. I live in the south of Italy and I attend the third year at Ferraris High school, where I study three languages: english, spanish and chinese. I'm a kind and fun girl and I like being around people and share my ideas. My biggest passion is dancing and I started it ten years ago. In my free time I like going out with my friends and listening to music. I love travelling because I'm really curious about other cultures, traditions and languages, so in the future I would like to travel around the world. There are many stereotypes about italian people, but I will talk about a very common one: italians are too loud. In my opinion this is not completely wrong, but personally I'm a quite person, so maybe there are some exceptions to this stereotype!

    Simona Mascellaro

    Hi, my name is Simona. I'm 16 and I attend Glalileo Ferraris High School where I study chinese, spanish and english! what I love the most is listening to music and my favorite artist is MAMAMOO (a kpop group). I have always heard people talking about italian stereotypes for example: they say that italians always eat pasta. personally I can say that is right just because my family and I eat pasta daily ahah. another one that I heard about is that we are so careful about clothes. I share that thought too! I really spend a lot of time trying to create a great outfit and I like having a cool one for every situation. Is it weird for you? ;D

    Mattia Cella

    I am Mattia I am 16 years old, I am from Ginosa Marina, near Taranto, in the South of Italy.
    I am a tall boy with brown hair and green eyes, I like playing football and socializing with people.
    I attend Galileo Ferraris High School and I study English, Spanish and Chinese.
    Here is one funny Italian habit: we usually talk using hand gesture, so people don't understand why do we use hands so much, Italian people tend naturally to explain things with hand gesture.

    Saverio Tocci

    Hello! I'm Saverio! I'm a 5'4 feet tall boy, I have blue eyes and blond hair. In my free-time I enjoy watching tv series and movies as well, since due to covid-19 there's really nothing much to do. I'm super friendly and making new friends really feels like a full-time job! It would be a lot better if I got paid for it but nevermind. One of the most heard stereotypes about Italian people is that we all are good at cooking. We might be a little skilled when it comes to dishes, since our grandmothers are considered goddesses of the kitchen and the tradition wants it to be passed on new generations. However not all Italians are really good when it comes to cooking itself, its not some sort of power we achieve but still Italian food is the best!

    Melania Marincola

    Hello everyone! I'm Melania, I'm 16 and I attend Galileo Ferraris High School.I study english,spanish and chinese. I like sharing ideas and discovering traditions, cultures and particularities of other countries. I love photography and capturing the little things. I enjoy cooking, trying many new recipes and eating too, especially pizza (obviously) and sushi. One of the most heard stereotypes about Italian is that we talk with our hands and it is absolutely true ahaha!It's quite natural and emphasizes the sentence.Another stereotype about Italians is that we aren't punctual, and we often arrive late. I think it depends on each person. Finally,if we talk about Italy, it's impossible not to think about pizza and pasta. The Italian cuisine is spectacular, we can't denying it and it's also very varied and genuine!

    Bianca Leggieri

    Hi, my name is Bianca, I'm 16 and I'm from Taranto, where I attend Ferraris High School. I'm 5'4 feet tall and I have brown eyes and dark hair. I'm mostly an introvert, at first I'm very diffident around people but when I get more comfortable with them I try to let my shyness go. I don't have many hobbies; my biggest passion is music, especially classic rock and alternative rock; I also spend plenty of my free time watching TV shows and reading fantasy books. One of the most popular stereotypes about Italy is that we only eat Italian food and we hate foreign dishes. Of course many people are like this, but not everyone: I, for instance, don't enjoy pizza that much, and I love asian cuisine. However, we have many other kinds of yummy and delicious dishes, which I think y'all should try when you're visiting Italy!

    Iñigo Rey

    Hi everyone! My name is Iñigo and I'm from Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain). My hobby is horse-ridding, and in my free time I like to be hanging out with my friends or practising sport with them. I'm a middle-tall boy and in the future I want to study arquitecture in a good university out of Spain if it is possible. I speak Vasque, spanish and english. I'm impatient of meet you and learnt a lot of things about you. Also, you can ask me whatever you want about Bilbao. Bilbao is famous because of their Pintxos, they are like a small piece of bread that have diferent types of food over their. See you soon!

    Nahia Martín M

    Hi, my name is Nahia Martín and I’m a 15 y/o girl. I was born in Donostia but I currently live in a Bilbao where I study at IES Unamuno BHI. I speak Basque, Spanish, English and a little bit of French. I’m a pianist so I study music when I’m not at High School, but in my spare time, I go surfing to a small costal village called Bakio. I am not sure about what do I want to become when I grow up, maybe something related to volunteering/charity work since I’m an advocate of feminism, blm...
    Concerning Basque stereotypes, I would probably say that «Basque people are rude» is the most common one. Tbh, it depends on each person but generally speaking, we do tend to be a little bit more “cold/rude” than in other places; but don’t take it personal, it’s just the way we are;)

    Lander Marin

    Hi everyone! My name is Lander and I'm from Bilbao (Spain). My hobby is playing football, and in my free time I like to be hanging out with my friends or practising sports. I'm a middle-tall boy and in the future I want to be an air controler. I speak Vasque, spanish, english and a little bit of france. I'm a funny boy. Bilbao is famous because of their Pintxos and I wish we see each other soon

    Irati Arias

    Hi everyone! My name is Irati and I am a 15 years old girl. I’m from Bilbao, and I study at IES Miguel de Unamuno BHI High School. In my free time, I like doing sports, especially dancing, in general, I like everything that is related to music. Also, I’m keen on TV series and documentals and I support social movements (feminism,LGTBIQ+...). I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but what I do know is that at some point in my life, I would like to help in NGOs. The most heard stereotype about the Basques is that we are terrorists, that is not true at all; we are ordinary people and we don’t harm anyone. Also they say that we are rude and that we don't speak much, but it isn’t like that we are pretty friendly and sociable.

    Yiannis Chatzivasiliadis

    Hi to all. My name is Yiannis and I am from the city of Krya Vrisi in Greece a very nice country with amazing areas I am 16 years old .. In my free time I exercise and I play professional football I generally like to play sports..Also -adopting one of many greek men stereotype -I like girls and I like to repair appliances.I cant wait to meet you all !

    Ainara González

    Hi everyone! My name is Ainara and I’m a girl of 16 years old. I’m from Bilbao, Spain and I am studying is the school of IES Unamuno. My hobbies are painting, listening to music, traveling and learning new things. I speak Spanish, Basque and English. I enjoy hanging out with my friends. In the future I want to by a nursery. My favorite task is biology. I like watching a serios for example “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” and films such as Marvel films.

    Stereotypes of the Basque Country, we say “aiba la ostia Pachi” and we are very violent.

    Jone Xiao Etxeberria

    Hi everyone! :) My name is Jone Xiao and I’m a girl student of IES Unamuno high school of Bilbao (Spain). My biggest passions are painting, dancing and listening to music. I mostly spend my free time on these activities, but I also like reading and doing rythmic gymnastics (I’m currently in a club competing). My favourite subjects are Physics and Biology. (I would like to study something related to science).
    A very common stereotype that people have of Spanish people is that we sleep siesta everyday. However, this is not true at all. I haven’t slept siesta since I have somehow 6 years old.

    Julene Liarte

    Hi I am Julene Liarte, I am 15 years old girl and I was born in Bilbao, Basque Country. I study at IES Miguel de Unamuno BHI. I speak Spanish, Basque and English and I am studying French. I enjoy dancing but I am not currently in a dace academy because I’m focusing on myself. Apart from dancing, I also like hanging out with my friends and partying but due to covid we are not able and I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

    Dimitra Ouzounidou

    Hi! I'm Dimitra, I'm 15 and I'm from Greece. I go to the first year class of the vocational high school in Kria Vrisi. In my free time I enjoy drawing (both digitally and traditionally), listening to music (I like the bands System of a Down, MSI, Slipknot, BMTH & Stray Kids.) and watching anime. I don't know what career path I'm going to follow yet. One funny greek stereotype is that greek people force feed their guests. I find that to be so true! Whenever I visit my relatives they'll literally have a breakdown if I don't clear the whole fridge!

    Panos Triantafilidis

    Hello! I'm Panos. I'm 16 years old and I'm student in the 1st Vocational High school of Kria Vrisi. I like boxing, it's been 5 years that I've been training and I play a traditional instrument, called "lira". I enjoy spending my time with my friends hanging around and watching movies, especially thrillers. I have never travelled abroad but I'd like to do it one day. One stereotype is that we like drinking a lot of coffee especially "Frape" which is famous to foreigners as well.

    Maialen Montoya

    hi, i’m Maialen Montoya, and i’m a 15 years old girl. I was born in Bilbao, Basque Country and i’m still living here. I study at IES Miguel de Unamuno BHI. I speak Spanish, Basque, English and a little bit of French. I like biology and i’d like to study medicine or something related to that. I also love music, i spend most of my time listening to music, also, i sing and i play the guitar. I practice figure skating in a club called Irrisbizi. Writing is also one of my main passions as I enjoy reading and going out with my friends.

    One of the most hearest stereotypes of Basque, is that we say a lot of bad words and we are so rude when we speak. In my opinion, thats true, obviously not all of us act the same, and we are so respectful and polite.

    Olatz Rodríguez

    Heyy everyone! I’m Olatz and I’m from Bilbao in the Basque Country (Spain). My hobby is to play basketball, I like play it with my teammates and friends, I like watching basketball matches in the TV but I also like going for a walk to the beach because from the city I live is like 30-40 mins in public transport. I like listen to music, the music I listen to the most is pop music. I speak Spanish, Basque and English and I am studying French at my school, so I can speak a little bit. When we have to work in groups I like to be leader, but I also follow the other’s rules if the are the leaders or they have a good idea.
    One of the most famous stereotypes in my country is that we are always “drunk” and in parties.
    I’m excited to meet you!

    Lorena Hidalgo

    Hi, I am Lorena and I am from Bilbao. My hobbie is dancing, an in my free time I like hanging out with my friends. I am a small girl, and lovely. In the future I want to be architect or interior decorator. I speak Basque, Spanish, English and a little bit French.

    Peio Rodríguez

    Hi everyone! My name is Peio and I'm from Bilbao (Spain). I go to Unamuno. My hobby is playing football, and in my free time I like to be hanging out with my friends or practising sports. I play in a footbal team, right back. In the future i want to be fisioterafist. I speak 3 idioms. In Bilao you must visit the best stadium of the world, San Mames.

    Lucas Robredo

    Hi there! I’m Lucas. I’m from Bilbao, in the north of Spain 🇪🇸. I like meeting friends and playing video games. I also like listening to music, especially rap and electronic. I speak Spanish, Basque, English and a little bit of French. My skills for working in group: I’m good at ICT and video editing.

    Janire Lozano

    Hi everyone I’m Janire (I’m a girl) I’m from Spain specially from the Basque Country and I’m 15 years old, I study in Ies Miguel de Unamuno high school.
    I like animals, I’ve a cat and the sport that I do has a relation with animals, I ride horse.
    One of my favorite hobbies is listen music and sometimes dance, I don’t like painting.
    I would like to travel more but now a days with the condition that we live it can’t be possible. I speak Spanish, English, Basque and I’m learning French. I enjoy meeting friends and I like spending time whith them.
    In the future I would like be a surgeon or a forensic.
    I like spending time reading Wattpad but I don’t like reading the boks that I’m obey to read.

    One stereotype of Basque Country is that we eat a lot.

    Igor Rodrigo

    Hello everyone! My name is Igor Rodrigo an I’m from Bilbao( Basque Country, Spain). My favorite sport is football and in my free time I like to hang out with my friends or play video games(FIFA
    , FORTNITE...). I’m a very good goalkeeper in football and I’m very good at sports in general and I like international cooking. I’m inpatient of meet you and learn a lot of things about you and your country. In the future I want to have my own restaurants. Some stereotypes about the Basque people is that we eat a lot, we speak loudly and we have a very difficult lenguage.

    Naroa Márquez

    Hi everyone! I am Naroa and I am 15 years old. I study at Ies Unamuno in Bilbao . My hobbies are drawing, reading, listening to music and watching films. I don’t have a favourite author but I love John Greens’ books. I like listening to pop singers, such as, Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande. My favourite movie genre are rom-coms and musicals. My favourite subject at school is English because I love languages. I currently speak 3 languages: Spanish, Basque and English. But I am learning other 2 languages which are French and Latin. I would like to study Translation and Interpretation. One of the most common Basque stereotypes is that we are very violent and loud, which might be true in some cases but not everyone is like that. I can’t wait to know you all!


    Hello everyone, my name is Chrisoula and I am 16 years old.I have two younger siblings and I live in krya vrysi.I love to spend my free time with my friends and play games with my brother.I also like to listen songs and watch movies on Netflix

    Anastasia Parda

    Hi everyone! My name is Anastasia and I’m 15 years old. I am from Greece and I go to the 1st class of 1st Vocational school in Kria Vrisi. I have one little brother. In my free time I like playing volleyball and I love listening to music. Every evening I go out with my friends.One stereotype about Greeks is that families here are too big and very loud.

    Ibai Herrero 🤠

    Hi! I’m Ibai Herrero, a 15 years old boy from Bilbao, Basque Country. I study at IES Miguel de Unamuno. I can speak English, Spanish, Basque and a very little of german. I like going out with my friends, doing sport and listening to music. I run track in the “Bilbao Atletismo Santutxu” team since I was 8 years old. When I grow up i’d like to study engineering, I don’t know which, but I have clear that i want to study an engineering.

    One of the most famous stereotypes in the Basque Country, is that we are very rude speaking, in my opinion that is partly true, obviously it depends on the person, but we are very nice :)