It's time to get to know the other people in the Tower Block a little bit. Keep in mind that not everyone has moved in yet, so it might take a bit of time for your fellow students to respond.

    START WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS. If you have someone on your floor that has moved in (check the ROOM LIST by pressing on the picture on the WELCOME TO THE TOWER BLOCK page), it's probably smart to talk to them first.. Also, try and mainly talk to people outside your class (especially if you don't live on the same floor). You can talk to those people in real life (IRL) instead!




    (Original image by Greyerbaby, published under a Morguefiles license. Ugly image manipulation by Thomas Herlofsen)


    Here are some social tasks you can do:

    2A) Say hello! Comment on the rooms the other students and teachers have made! What do you like? What kind of advice would you give them?

    2B) Ask your friends on the same floor questions in the GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER forum thread! Answer each others' questions.

    2C) Start discussing your common area! Remember that blank space on each floor? Start talking about what it should be like! You will be able to show off your common area in a later task.

    2D) Did you know the project page has its own mail system? Write a friendly TWINMAIL to another student, or leave a message on their WALL. You can find these things on each student's profile. Feel free to find a time to meet in the chatroom, for instance!