What is the project about
To know the history of the Slavs. To know other slavic countries and their languages, tradition. To compare slavic languages. To cooperate via ICT tools. To know new tools and aplications. To learn how to use ICT as a tool for cooperation and communication. To learn how to respect copryright and how to behave online. To be a part of team. To change the way of education, to find new ways and to win new competences and skills. To have fun together.
We will cooperate during the school year 2015/2015. All teams have to fill the tasks regarding the main topics of our project. First we will know each other, our towns, countries. The November activity will be focused on the slavic languages, we will compare our languages, create the audio dictionary of the most widely used words. The December activities will be connect with traditons - Christmas traditions and folk/Christmas songs. Pupils will create international teams during the January and the February, they will work on the topic Slavic Gods and mythology. We will compare our writing and alphabet too, during March.The last activities like evaluation and creating final outputs are planning on the April or May.
We will cooperate via TwinSpace, all our outputs will be find there. We will present our project on the school webpages too. The expected result will be the knowlege about the Slavic history, culture and languages. We will create the eBook, which can be use during the lessons.
Map of partners schools and school websites