Story - Bulgaria



    The activities of the project have received funding from the European Union


    If a tree could speak 


    Once upon a time there were two little children, a brother, and a sister, named Joan and Maria. They were playing with a ball in front of their house, passing it to each other, when Joan accidentally kicked it a little harder. The ball went somewhere in the woods. Joan wanted to go and get the ball back, but Maria told him: “Don’t go into the forest, Joan, it’s not safe! Our parents warned us not to go far away from the house!” But that didn’t stop him to go and get it back. Maria went with him and soon they arrived in a field and what they saw was only one big tree. The children found their ball, but while reaching for it they woke up the tree by breaking a stick. Joan and Maria got scared and amazed at the same time.

    As the kids wondered what was going on, the tree told them: “Hello, little children. What do you want to see? The past or the future? After a few minutes of thinking about what to choose, they asked the tree to show them the future. The tree opened a portal and told the kids that if they wanted to see the future, they needed to enter the portal. Maria and Joan stepped into it and suddenly found themselves into different places.

    Joan saw that he would be an incredibly good soccer, and, in a few years, he would become the best player. He would have a big house, a lovely wife and two adorable children. 

    Maria saw that in the future, she would be an actress and a model. No one would respect her at first, but she would get a great opportunity to prove herself and show what she could do, when she least expected it. She would be one of the best actresses in Hollywood, would have a big house, a wonderful husband, and a daughter. Maria and Joan looked happy and couldn’t wait for that day to come and their biggest dreams come true.  

    The moment when Joan and Maria were seeing their future, they noticed that not only their future had changed, but also the nature around them. What they saw was a black and white picture in front of them, a destruction, no trees, flowers, birds, and water. There was nothing left. Not even a small sign of life. 

    Joan and Maria got scared and went to the tree. Nothing was the same. They couldn’t believe what they had just seen. 

    “What’s the meaning of all this? Is the tree, okay? How will it bring us back?”- They thought.

    “Did we harm it?”- Maria asked.

    “You don’t think something terrible happened to it because of us, do you?” – Joan asked. 

    Their hearts started beating fast, they couldn’t believe what they had done. But then they woke up in fear. Maria and Joan were relieved that it was only just a dream and that everything was as before. 

    After seeing the terrible future, the children decided to prevent it from coming true. The wanted to make the world see that it wasn’t too late to save their home.

    Maria looked at the tree and said: We must stop ruining our only home now and make it a better place for us, for those after us and for the planet herself.

    Joan thought for a while and said: The Earth doesn’t belong to anyone, but people belong to it.  People haven't created life, they are part of it. Rivers are our sisters, you need to protect them. Trees are our brothers- it’s our duty to take care of them. Together we can change the world and make it a better place for everyone!

    Maria smiled and told: When you step up, you invite others to step up, too! Let’s do it! Let’s make a difference, Joan!