Our languages, phonetics, sounds: poems, nursery rhymes

  • During an online meeting we used nursery rhymes to let our partners know about the sounds of our languages


    We also used poems to compare the sounds and phonetics of our languages.  Here there are two Catalan poems by Miquel Martí Pol.  The first one is a poem about unrequited love. The second one is a poem of hope after the dark years after the Spanish civil war.

    Per no estimar-te / so as not to love you

    Per no estimar-te

    Per no estimar-te estimaré la veu
    d'allò que em diu tot el que tu no goses.
    Per no marcir-les, he estimat només
    el perfum de les roses.

    Per no estimar-te oblidaré el neguit
    i em faré una cançó amb l'alegria,
    una cançó per dir-la cada nit
    com qui diu una rara lletania.

    Per no estimar-te, t'he estimat molt més
    i ara dins meu tot és la teva crida.
    Ni inquietud ni plany; tu, tu només
    meravellosament emperesida


    So as not to love you

    So as not to love you I will love the voice
    That tells me all that you do not dare to.
    I just loved the perfume of roses
    Not to wither them.

    So as not to love you I will forget the anxiety
    And I will make a song with joy,
    A song to sing every night
    Like saying a rare litany.

    So as not to love you, I have loved you so much more
    And now within me everything is your call.
    Neither restlessness nor lamentation; you, you only In wonderful laziness



    Deixeu me dir / Let me say

    Deixeu-me dir

    Deixeu-me dir que ja és temps d’oblidar, que ja és temps de creure un altre cop en la puresa i de repintar les cases amb colors alegres.


    Aquells que han viscut molts anys lluny del poble seran cridats a retornar i una nit qualsevol el vent s’endurà totes les paraules que hem malmès de tant dir-les sense amor.


    I l’endemà serà com si ens alcéssim després d’una nit de vint segles.


    Deixeu-me dir que ja és temps d’estimar, que ja és temps de creure en els prodigis i que tant se val de les noies que no hem conegut; que el poble és com abans i que algun dia hi haurà flors al jardí i vent als arbres i paraules inventades de nou només per a nosaltres.



    Let me say

    Let me say that it is now time to forget, that it is now time to believe in purity again and to repaint our houses in cheerful colors.


    Those who have lived many years far from home will be called to return and one of these nights the wind will carry away all of the words that we have hurt from saying them so lovelessly.


    And the morning after it will be as if we have awoken after a night twenty centuries long.


    Let me say that it is now time to love, that it is now time to believe in miracles and that it does not matter about the girls we have not met; that the town is not as it was and that one day there will be flowers in the garden and wind in the trees and words that are reinvented just for us.