3.4 Challenge 4

  • Challenge 4

    Before doing the challenge 4, you should tick the right answers.

    Organisation of the challenge :

    Estonia: offers an experiment to make the water clear

    France: offers an experiment to make water fresh

    Italy: carry out the experiment proposed by the Estonians

    Iceland: carry out the experiments proposed by the French

    Deadline for sending the experiment : 8th February

    Deadline for sending the conclusions : 19th February

    Challenge 4 collaborative eBook


    Imagine the installation to live in this planet

    A the end of the challenge : pupils make a drawing to imagine installations that could still allow us to live on this planet (Iceland / France are working on the installations based on the experience of Estonians / Italians and vice versa).

    Then we vote for the best installation.

    Deadline :  15th March