1.1 Guess the Countries !

  • Guess the countries


    Pupils should choose 9 clues to make the partners find their Country (sound, video or pictures without legend).

    The clues could be : one monument, one symbol, the flag, the motto, the national anthem, one famous people, a cultural object, a culinary speciality, the president (or head of state).

    On the presentation we should order the clues from the most difficult one to the easier one. We make the presentation on genially.

    Dead line : 19 october 2020

    Extension ideas:

    - Ask the pupils to make the pictures (photos or drawing)

    - Recording our students singing our national anthem to make one of the clues.

    After the guessing game : collaborative games with all the given clues. Can you classify the clues in the appropriate country ?


    Country 1

    Country 2

    Country 3

    Country 4